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I miss you Sam!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

That's My World!

That's My World is hosted each week by Klaus and the My World team, Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and me. Join us and share your world with others from all over Our World! Just click on the post title, read the rules, sign up and play with us! So! How is your world this week? Have you taken time to see the beauty there? What is it about your world that makes you smile or laugh or feel grateful for?

Our trip last week was to, Molbak's, one of the most incredible nurseries I've ever had the privilege of visiting! I went totally nuts with the camera and I do want to share some of the beauty with you today! What a gorgeous part of My World it is! 

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
Anthony J. D'Angelo 

 There are always flowers for those who want to see them.
Henri Matisse

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. 
George Bernard Shaw

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. 
Margaret B. Runbeck

Patience is the greatest gift you can give.
Dr. Lee Jampolsky

In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
Mohandas Gandhi


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Nothing like beautiful green plants and an abundance of flowers to start the week! Merci, mon amie, and I hope that yours is wonderful!


SandyCarlson said...

Your camera loved that nursery, that's for sure! These are wonderful photos. You have me thinking of the people who live to grow these beauties. What a life! Have a great week, Sylvia!

Reena said...

I love the hydrangeas and Shaw's quote. Isn't that so true!

Anonymous said...

Love it all, Sylvia!

Rajesh said...

Fabulous shots of nursery. The variety of plants and flowers is just amazing.

EG CameraGirl said...

Now THAT is a nursery I would definitely love to visit!

Sivinden said...

Such a variety of colourful flowers - and wise quotes. Have a nice week:)

Carver said...

What a beautiful nursery Sylvia. Gorgeous shots!

Arija said...

What a stunning place! I would have gone ballistic and come home with a truckload of plants. Aah, those hydrangeas and orchids, irresistible.

What wonders did you bring home?

Francisca said...

I am imagining being there, a delight to the senses... I can even smell the mix of flowers...! Another amazing header, Sylvia... can I have some of those cherries?

Unknown said...

Great sequence of flowers!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

FjÀllripan said...

Beautiful flowerphotos and quotes!
Have a nice week :)

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful flowers, Sylvia! I like those blue hydrangeas. Strangely enough I also got blue hydrangeas long ago and put them in my garden, but the following year they turned pink.How can that happen? Have a great week, Sylvia!

Jack said...

A lovely flower show, Sylvia.

Penelope Notes said...

I loved what George B. Shaw had to say about creating rather than finding oneself. This nursery looks like a haven for plants and plant lovers who would find it irresistible to leave without adopting at least one plant from the thousands of choices!!

mrsnesbitt said...

Love nurseries - always so inspiring! THEN.....the plants come to live here! Heaven help them - but it always does. Dx

TexWisGirl said...

wow, those colors are beautiful. great escape place. (and your sundae header is hilarious!)

Marites said...

this is such a beautiful place, Sylvia! I'd probably be going nuts alongside with you with my camera. Very nice shots!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a pile of great pics. I think one of the biggest bargains in life is that nurseries are free. I love going there with Heather with my camera. I don't ever buy anything but I always take pics. It's unreal that they don't charge. Don't tell them that I said so though.

snowwhite said...

Oh, wonderful shots!!! I've never seen such a gorgeous nursery! Once I visit here, it will be so hard to leave the place!! This is an oasis or dream land for plant or flower lovers. I especially like the first photo. How lovely! Sylvia, thank you for sharing these photos and words. Have a delightful day!

Al said...

Beautiful flower photos, Sylvia. I've been toying with the idea of putting in a waterfall in the back yard for some time now, but I can never come up with the time.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a wonderful world you do live in! We visited Molbacks when our youngest son and his wife lived up there and were putting in their first yard. I remember how beautiful it is -- more like a public gardens than a nursery. Your pictures are wonderful.

Barb said...

I'm swooning, Sylvia! Don't we all want our gardens and plantings to look that vibrant? Wonderful images of the nursery. I'm jealous!

LifeRamblings said...

what a great series of flower photos. i could almost smell them from here. thanks for sharing your world.

genie said...

Sylvia...Your flowers this week are so beautiful. That is one of the things I adore about Seattle when I am out there. They are everywhere...like the cherries. It is so hot here...gonna be 100 tomorrow. Wish I was out there right now. Your new banner is precious just like all of the others, but the idea of Mr. Ranier makes this one really special. Oh...before I forget...I am 72 and Eloise totally wore me out! I slept 4 hours straight the afternoon she left. I have never felt so tired. Loved every minute of it, but I am not the gal I was 10 years ago!!!Camp Baga was pretty intense. LOL Genie

lotusleaf said...

That is a place I'd love to visit.

Photo Cache said...

those hydrangeas are really beautiful and the blooms are humongous.

Indrani said...

Wow! There are orchids too. Great collection.
I loved the quotes too.

Pietro Brosio said...

Wonderful flowers and quotes, Sylvia!
Happy Tuesday!

George said...

Wow! The flowers (and the photos) are beautiful. I'm sure I would have gone nuts with my camera as well.

Teamgsquare said...

colorfully posted .

dianasfaria.com said...

I love visiting nurseries & this one looks like a great one.
I especially like the hydrangeas.
; )

stardust said...

Yum-yummy-yum..... I like the new header. What a nice and creative header presented by your friend!

Thank you for the introduction of a lovely nursery full of different flowers and nice quotes. There’s something I can borrow to my garden design. I’ll keep in mind “Patience is the greatest gift you can give.” Happy days ahead, Sylvia.

magiceye said...

gorgeous flowery world!!

alicesg said...

Lovely nurseries with beautiful blooms.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈掁雪 said...

I shall love to sit down and feast on your healthy banquet as shown on your header photo.

Unknown said...

Sylvia A very summery pictures, colors and colors on all sides.
Indeed flowers with their colors fill us with sunlight
Greetings .-

Cezar and Léia said...

They are all lovely flowers! Your pictures are beautiful postcards!

Diane AZ said...

Oh wow, I love those hydrangeas and the blue chair...and the fountain and orchids too! I have a favorite nursery that I love to visit.

Ingrid said...

It's a pity that the screen only shows the pictures and doesn't diffuse the smell ! Beautiful !

Anonymous said...

Wow ... fabulous shots of all these lovely flowers!

magda said...

My dear friend Sylvia
Lovely photos and words!!!
I love so much the flowers!
I wish you a happy summer, why am away from the INTERNET, until September.
Sorry about that.
Best regards

Janie said...

I really like the quote about "bringing your own sunshine."
Lovely photos of the greenhouse flowers.

Joyful said...

fantastic foliage!

Ingrid said...

That's a blooming world ! Looks like my favorite garden store !

NatureFootstep said...

what a wonderful flowershop. So rich and beautiful. .)

KaHolly said...

You had a wonderful visit to the greenhouse!! What beautiful photos! ~karen

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time