I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections is hosted by James each week beginning Friday at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time. It's another wonderful way of opening your eyes to new and different kinds of beauty. Click on the web address under the blog title and sign up to play with us! 

It has been a really busy few days and I'm running behind. I may be a little late visiting your blogs, but I will get there. I've had to depend on my library this week and  a couple of shots that I caught at the apartment on one of our lovely sunny days!! Yes, we have had some more sunny ones  -- although today the high was 68!!! Cloudy, rainy, and downright chilly! Isn't this July??? Or have I missed something???

Let's not just transform those in need, we can also find ways to help transform those in power. Anonymous

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

The healthiest response to life is joy.
Deepak Chopra


George said...

I don't mind looking at pictures from your archives -- they are always so beautiful. But I like your shadowy reflections as well.
I'll gladly trade some of our heat for some of your chill. We've had to run the air conditioning most of this week, which is something we almost never do up here on the Plateau.
Have a great weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

Sylvia, I have to say 68° sounds wonderful to me. :) I'm glad you are finally getting a bit of sun!

Malyss said...

Your sunset is leaving me breathless! and I like the silouhette of the glass!
Great post!

Francisca said...

That's one amazing sunset... and Chopra has it right: the healthiest response IS joy...

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures, love the golden sky but also the glass reflecting on the blanket or bed cover. I wonder too where summer is hiding, we had 53 F yesterday !!! I had to take my autumn anorak out !

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sylvia, your friend in India placed my picture (the 1st one on the left) in your header!!! Wow, how creative and clever she is!!! The pic has been reversed, though, as the part in my hair is really on the other side.

cieldequimper said...

Hi Sylvia!

Gorgeous photos as usual!

What makes you think I'm in the PNW? I'm not! The Walla Walla photo was taken in April! :-)

Kay said...

Gigi Hawaii just wrote me an e-mail telling me to hurry on over to your blog to see the newest header. Aaackk! What a surprise! You and your Mumbai friend sure started my morning off with a smile.

genie said...

You new banner is so precious. We just ned the names of each person in the group...that would be fun. Love the reflection of the quilt...maybe that is because I am a quilter. As always you quotations are wonderful. Do you use a book or the internet as I do? Genie

Ms. Becky said...

Ha ha ha!!! that banner is priceless!!! thanks for the chuckles. and lovely reflections too. I'm happy to see photos from your archives, they're always a pleasure to view. we're in the midst of a high-summer heat wave here in the Midwest, so I'd gladly trade you some heat for some cool! I hope you have a joyful and peaceful weekend Sylvia.

James said...

The top one is beautiful and the other two are very creative. The colored glass makes great reflections and they're interesting too!

Reena said...

sunshine! hip hip hoorah! love the photos

Unknown said...

Intriguing as usual, Sylvia. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

TexWisGirl said...

i love the shadows you catch from your window and glasses sitting on the ledge.

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful shots, Sylvia. It's such a good idea to have some on hand for busy days.

—Kay, Alberta, Canada

Unknown said...

Love the sunset, and the caption as well. Wonder if most of us feel powerless to do that:) And I love your header -what a great idea!

Tina´s PicStory said...

Very nice shots. Most I love the sundset! :) LG Tina

Simon said...

Your quotes are always such fun to read. This week I like that 2nd image with the subtle blue glass reflection.

joo said...

Such a lovely post Sylvia! As usually:)
Have a great weekend!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Your new header makes me laugh, it is wonderful. Great pics and some great anonymous quotes.

It was my day off today we all three went to breakfast. I brought Logan downtown while I tuned up some more numbers, going to MIL's for steaks and drinks tonight.

I hope you are having a great day Sylvia.

Dianne said...

You take the best sunset photos Sylvia - always a delight.
Have a safe week-end!

VioletSky said...

I do like that strategically place wine glass!

Anonymous said...

I always like your reflections Sylvia. The middle photo is very nice. Simple but nice.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Sylvia: What a neat sun shot. I certainly hope all is going well.

lotusleaf said...

Sylvia, this time your shots are mysterious!I wonder how you managed to shoot the second picture.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to send you some warm weather, we're expecting out hottest weather of the summer next week!

Love the reflections, so very peaceful!

Al said...

Archive shots or not, they're beautiful, Sylvia. We get the occasional cold day here in the summer too, but not lately. Give Sam a pat from Socks and me - Socks is settled down on the couch with me as I'm blogging this evening, after a nice walk.

Teamgsquare said...

Awesome capture .

Unknown said...

Beautiful reflections Sylvia. And what a beautiful new banner also.
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots. I especially like that last quote.

Cildemer said...

Wonderful shots and quotes! Your sunset is sooooo beautiful!
Thanks for sharing, Sylvia;o)

Hope you are having a nice and happy weekend****

Gemma Wiseman said...

Delightful shadow patterns, but I especially love that shimmer of gold on the water!

Arija said...

Absolutely glorious reflections and shadows, oh that blue glass on the side of the bed!

Meri said...

Love the sunset shot, Sylvia.

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time