I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Our World!!

Time for "Our World" again! This is a wonderful way to find the beauty, the fun, the good and even the bad things about Our World and to share them! Hope you will join us! Click on the link  to go to the Our World site and sign up!!

Like most of us, I do have a beautiful world and I do hope all of you enjoy yours as much as I do mine!! We all have miracles in our lives as well, lets just make sure that we recognize and appreciate them  -- now!!

I have found that if you love life, life will love you back - Arthur Rubinstein.

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracleAlbert Einstein


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful mosaic Sylvia -- you have much to love in your life! As do I -- with gratitude == and you always help me remember that.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Melting Moments Montage.

TexWisGirl said...

a gorgeous collage!

cieldequimper said...

I'm sighing again!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful collage, Sylvia. Of course, the waterfall caught my attention... ha


Kusum said...

That is a beautiful collage and nice words. Yes, I believe everything is a miracles and we are fortunate to experience all of it!

Randi said...

Love these beautiful and colorful photos!

Unknown said...

Beautiful montage. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Dianne said...

A pretty collage Sylvia .... beauty from your corner of the world. xx

colleen said...

What an amazing world we live in! Nice collage of shots.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing views from around our country and around the world. Very nice mosaic.

Meta said...

Vilket fint collage du har gjort.
Ha en fin vecka
Kram Meta

Ebie said...

I could hear the splashing of the waterfalls! Yes, we love our world we live in!

Leovi said...

Yes, a mosaic of beautiful landscapes.

Photo Cache said...

beautiful collage. have a wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Rubinstein quote much. Please have a good Tuesday.

robert geiß

Penelope Notes said...

A collage of beautiful moments … I would say that everything you have pictured there is a miracle.

eileeninmd said...

Sylvia, your quote are right on! And I loved the photos from your world. We all do live in a beautiful world. Thanks for sharing, I hope you week is a happy one!

Anonymous said...

Love those quote and your stunning world!
Be well and Happy Sylvia ~:)

LifeRamblings said...

you live in such a beautiful world Sylvia. i love your mosaic.

Karen said...

Oh I love your mosaic Sylvia! That's a stunning sunset.

NatureFootstep said...

I think you covererd the best parts of the year. Have a great week. :)

Lowell said...

I'm reading Dawkin's "The Magic of Reality" which is written at a level that even I can understand quite a bit of it. His thesis is that reality is so far superior to the old mythologies when it comes to our world and how it evolved! He's right. He uncovers and explains so many amazing and wonderful things.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent photography and great quote ~ for OWT ^_^

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Beautiful photos. I really love the sun set. Blessings, Debbie

SandyCarlson said...

Your post to me is a great reminder to chill and love life. Sure did need it. Thanks.

mick said...

Great photos of beautiful places. I really like the quote from Einstein.

Stewart M said...

Wonderful collection!

I have a bit of a soft spot for those red-headed kids as well!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Jack said...

Two of your finest quotations today, Sylvia, along with some lovely photos.

Unknown said...

I always enjoy your beautiful nature photography.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful collage! Have a great week.

Merisi said...

What gorgeous sights, each complementing the other!
Wishing you a wonderful week,

Indrani said...

What a wonderful mosaic!
I like the pink corner. :)

magiceye said...

Beautiful collage Sylvia.
Trust Kerith is doing well and on the way to speedy recovery!

Anna said...

Love your collage, Sylvia!
And I love the pink blossom...
Warm greetings from Holland,
Anna :D

Cezar and Léia said...

Brilliant artwork in this collage, the pictures are adorable!

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful Sylvia! Do you know this song from the musical "A Christmas Carol"?
I like life
Life likes me
Life and I fairly fully agree
Life is fine
Life is good
'Specially mine, which is just as it should be
I like pouring the wine and why not?
Life's a pleasure that I deny not.

Your quote reminds me of this .

Dana said...

Beautiful shots! I love the pink in the last one. It makes me think of spring.

Happy Tuesday. ☺

Rajesh said...

Beautiful scenes from the nature.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very true Sylvia, to wake up in the morning without hunger and no one shooting at us is something we should all appreciate.

Ingrid said...

Gorgeous views in your world !

Arti said...

What a beautiful collage! I especially loved the last shot.
Have a lovely week ahead Sylvia :)

Unknown said...

What a wonderful mosaic! Love it.

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time