I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pet Pride

Shape up you guys, it's time to meet up with Bozo from Mumbai and share all the exciting things we've done this past week! You have done exciting things, right???? Well, click here and get your two-legged friend to sign you in so you can show your stuff!

I had Mom take this close up now that I've had a haircut -- I wanted you to see my big beautiful eyes! And they are beautiful, aren't they? You can clearly see what a gentleman I am!!

And then Mom used me for a shadow shot yesterday -- I do shadows good, too, don't I?
Of course, then Madame Mojo the Most had to get in on the act, but hee hee, she wasn't making any shadows that day!

But wouldn't you know it! She started posing the next day and, of course, Mom thought she was cute and got a shadow shot of her. She just sticks her big red nose into everything!!


magiceye said...

hey you handsome hunk! you sure know how to do it all! let mojo some space too!


Pet Pride

Kay said...

Oh I just love those Andy Rooney eyebrows! What adorable photos!

Unknown said...

You are an excellent typist!

Anonymous said...

Mojo and Sam are such characters!

Anonymous said...

great shadow shots, happy sunday to you :0)

clairz said...

Great photos and lovely dogs. They have a wonderful life!

jabblog said...

Awww Sam - gorgeous eyes, but be fair, Mojo's lovely too!

chrome3d said...

The haircut and white eyebrows make him a real charmer.

Dianne said...

oh Sam!! you're so good looking and so smart that you really can share the spotlight with Mojo

I know you have a generous heart

and Mojo - I love the color of your fur!!

storyteller said...

Wow Mojo ... you look GREAT ... LOVE those eyes for sure and am glad 'Mom' gives equal time to BOTH of you fur-kids ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Anonymous said...

You look lovely with your new haircut! In fact, you're both too adorable...

Gattina said...

You have lovely eyes and such a nice moustache ! You are both great in making shadows ! your mom is lucky with such good models !

Peggy said...


I'm still trying to get my four legged pals that I live with to sign on the dotted line for this.
Right now they are too fast for me , especially little winston.
Love these two handsome devils that you have, full of persoanlity!
Happy Sunday all!

Diana Chiew said...

Hey Sam, you are a handsome guy! You have such thick eyebrows and so white too.

Sunny said...

You certainly are a very handsome pooch.
Sunny :)

Quilt Works said...

Sylvia, I appreciate your comments on my photos!

I would like to invite you to join a free giveaway of one of my original artworks

Anonymous said...

They are real cuties - especially the little one.

Oskar said...

You're a very handsome schnauzer! I'm a schnauzer too! You should stop by and visit my blog somtime, I just put up my very first Pet Pride post.



Catherine said...

great deck shaows amongst the pooch meanderings...

Bruce said...

Your new haircut looks marvelous! Thanks for commenting on my book review. You mentioned that you wish they wrote a book like this on dogs...they do & here's a review on it. Norwood will be doing a review too as soon as he has a chance to look at the book
your cat pal,

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time