I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sky Watch Friday!

Time to share your skies, the beauty over your world, the clouds, the colors! Sky Watch is hosted each week by Klaus and the Sky Watch team of Klaus, Sandy, Wren and me. Join us and the many people from all over the world who share theirs with us each week! Click on the post title to be taken to the SWF website where you can sign up.Things are beginning to bloom and we have had some sun and some lovely skies. I'm really looking forward to the new views of skies that I will have from my new apartment! The excitement is growing!! But here are some from the past week! Enjoy!

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
David Brinkley

Beauty is only temporary, but your mind lasts you a lifetime.
Alicia Machado

Beauty is whatever gives joy.
Edna St. Vincent Millay

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
Albert Einstein

A conservative is a man who just sits and thinks, mostly sits.
Woodrow Wilson


Anonymous said...

What marvellous skies you've had. Love that last shot with the swirling golden clouds!

clairz said...

My goodness, these quotes certainly resonated with me this morning. Lovely sky shots, Sylvia!

Cezar and Léia said...

Adorable pictures and beautiful quotations.Your post is bringing joy and lovely lights!I think we all need to take a time to appreciate the beauty of the sky, the melody of the wind !
Léia :)

Martha Z said...

You got some nice, airy clouds this week; not the brooding, threatening ones we've been having.
We both featured Edna St. Vincent Millay today, interesting.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like them all, Sylvia, but the first one is filled with drama - almost like white flames in the sky. (Or is that my over-active imagination?)

overtiredmum said...

ohhhh - love that first one - it's a picnic rug sky - to be enjoyed lying down with a full tummy!

Reader Wil said...

The skies show the greatness of the creator. You know to show your skies that very well!
Have a great weekend.

Hildred said...

Gorgeous skies, Sylvia, and a lovely collection of quotes.

Carver said...

Wonderful skies as usual Sylvia. The first shot looks like someone tossed sheer ribbons against the sky.

Tara said...

Beautiful as always Sylvia...truly magnificent photos of the clouds. Yay, I clicked on the random button it came here to your blog!

Maria said...

I'm visiting you from my school desk... day is over and I'm enjoying a little sky watching before I clean off my desk and organize!

Oh my goodness, Sylvia... I love this quote:
Beauty is only temporary, but your mind lasts you a lifetime.

I'm making a poster of it and putting it on my classroom door today before I leave!
Thank you for the beautiful inspirations today!

Pearl Maple said...

delightful views of the sky Sylvia and interesting quotes to match

Carletta said...

As always Sylvia you've shown us a plethora of beautiful images!
A new apartment? How wonderful! Hope you have a very successful move.

Carletta@Round The Bend

Eaglesbrother said...

WOW !!!!...great shots Sylvia...I believe my favorites are One and Four...all are good.

joco said...

People are so quick with their links and comments.

Like your whispy skies today. Or rather, blue skies with whispy clouds I suppose :-)

Joyful said...

Fantastic photos. I especially love all the wispy clouds ;-) Happy SWF!

My name is Riet said...

Bbeautiful skies Sylvia and I sure hope my mind lasts me a lifetime. Have a wonderful weekend


Beatufiful skies, and dramatic clouds! Great shots!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Bellissime foto !
Cieli splendidi :)
Buona serata :))

Gunnar said...

I did like them all but spesially the first, it was just perfect.

Rajesh said...

Oh! lovely views of the sky. Have a nice weekend.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful variety of sky patterns! The first photo of feathery wisps is especially stunning!

Steffi said...

Very beautiful views of skies,Sylvia!You moved to a new appartment?Have a great weekend !

Francisca said...

Sylvia, I think your skies are dancing with joy for you. I hope your move is going smoothly!

Anonymous said...

HMmmmm, very dramatic!... works for me thank you!..:)

Pat said...

A new apartment?! Now that's exciting! Have fun making it home. I love the first shot--the long strands of clouds look like angel hair. Are you still in the same city?

Karen said...

Gorgeous sky views! The first one looks like cloud fireworks!

http://graceolsson.com/blog said...




jabblog said...

That first photo really grabs my attention! Wonderful:-)

Unknown said...

As usual the skies and the quotes are great!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Colin Campbell said...


Anonymous said...

an incredible set of quotes today. i really like all of them.

and of course your skyshots are truly wonderful always.

Kim, USA said...

The 3rd photo looks like angels are flying! ^_^

Jan n Jer said...

Photos n quotes are awesome!

Dhemz said...

totally amazing shots...:) Hope you can check out my Skywatch Friday entry as well. Thanks!

VioletSky said...

feathers in the sky are awesome.

syel said...

seems like you will have fantastic weather ahead! i'm loving the blue skies Sylvia! enjoy the weekend :)

EcoRover said...

Hi Sylvia, great pics and quotes as always. Like the new header, too!

Light and Voices said...

Every week the skywatch participants can see your wonderful photos and read your lovely quotes. Sylvia, what a gift you are to the universe.
Joyce M

Ms. Becky said...

they are all lovely, but the first is my favorite. wispy fingers reaching. or maybe I'm simply being imaginative. but what else to do with gorgeous blue skies and clouds? enjoy the weekend Sylvia!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful skies in Seattle, Sylvia! Congrats on your new apartment. Have a wonderful weekend.

Terrebel said...

Imagine...above us only skies...

Truly wonderful shots, Sylvia! Mother nature makes great things and you capture them. Well done!

And as it so happens: I too have a picture up today with just a piece of sky...coincidence or what? ;-)

Have a good weekend!

Terrence looks at the sky

Penelope Notes said...

A new apartment? This is exciting. The sky is ever changing and never boring but it will be wonderful to get a fresh perspective.

NatureFootstep said...

great variety of teh skies. I Especially like the first one.

George said...

You had some beautiful skies this past week. I really like the wispy clouds in your first photo.
I hope you have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful series again, Sylvia. The second and third shot are my favourites this time. Your skies were as friendly as ours this week.
Enjoy your weekend!

Al said...

Beautiful photos as always, Sylvia. You captured some amazing clouds this week, and I love the sun over the water.

SandyCarlson said...

That last shot especially speaks to me. Thanks, Sylvia!

Anonymous said...

A great collection of skies! I specially like the whispy cirrus clouds.

Have a good weekend.

Beverley Baird said...

What gorgeous skies this week Sylvia! I love them all!
have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

A diverse collection of beautiful skies. I hope you have a wonderful weekend enjoying them.

Anonymous said...

These cloud are so beautiful.

eden said...

Beautiful sky photos and my favourite is the second one. Thank you for sharing.

Have a great weekend.

Indrani said...

I like the buttermilk clouds, beautiful series.

Unknown said...

Oh my word Sylvia. What a very, very beautiful sky! Wonder filled am I as I stare at these sky shots. WOW! You always amaze me.

Liz said...

Beautiful cloud formations. The clouds seemed to be in a swirl on the last photo.

Liz @ A Simple Life

magiceye said...

loved the 1st and 3rd pics the bestest!!! :)

Serline said...

Earthquakes have struck the northern parts of this country, causing some buildings in Bangkok swaying. We did not feel a thing, but I guess we will look less at the sky and more to the ground and around us for the next few days... :-(

Mridula said...

As always I admire your ability to click white sky with such dramatic effects. I have to give it a try.

Pietro Brosio said...

Another wonderful Sky Watch post, Sylvia!
Happy Friday!

L. Neusiedler said...

wonderful! incredibly beautiful images!

Niina said...

Lovely skies, especially the last one. Thank you for sharing. Greetings from Sweden!

Kay said...

Totally amazing skies, Sylvia! You just want to float away.

Stewart M said...

I wonder if it possible ever to get fed up with clouds? I dont think so!

Splendid pictures - Stewart M - Australia

Ingrid said...

Beautiful skies and nice quotes ! spring moved in and it's nice outside, hopefully it will last !

Laura said...

As always Sylvia, a magnificent collection of sky images...beautiful!

Inger-M said...

I love the wispy, feathery clouds, and the sunsets are gorgeous!

Sridharan said...


Teamgsquare said...

Heavenly !

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

wow! what an amazing shot!!!

Thanks for visiting mySky Watch Friday.

DawnTreader said...

Unusual cloud formation in the top picture!
My SkyWatch

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great pictures Sylvia. I love the Woodrow Wilson quote, and I fashion myself as a conservative, at least I used to, I don't know what I am now. I guess I'm just me.

Regina said...

Beautiful skies as always!

Happy spring Sylvia.

kRiZcPEc said...

these sky shots are amazing. Happy Sunday.

Dhemz said...

wow! amazing shots...love it!

Happy April Fool's! Hope you can visit my Skywatch Friday entry. Thanks!

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time