We have had unusally heavy snowfall over the past few days here in Seattle. My son, Adam, and I set out this morning to get some pictures I could share here on My World. We went down to park in the harbor area where I took photos last fall. It surely did not look the same this morning as it did then. The snow weighed heavily on the branches as you can see.
This grove of trees was so beautiful and green just a few weeks ago -- I almost didn't recognize them.
This bare tree with the deserted nest I had also photographed earlier -- it didn't look the same either.
The seagulls have been very confused and upset with all the snow -- where's the food! they seem to be asking. We got another picture earlier this week when the snow first started to fall. The one we got a photo of that day looked totally out of sorts, with feathers fluffed out and definitely interested in finding food. A fellow blogger from Australia saw the photo and wrote new lyrics to "Winter Wonderland" to go with the picture which she put on her blog. They were really funny!
There is a very large Nordic population in the Seattle area and this statue is of Leif Erikkson, who supposedly landed on the North American continent 500 years before Christopher Columbus. The statue is located near the harbor and overlooking the water. There are stone slabs surrounding the statue that contain the names of all Nordic people who came to Washington -- Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finland, Denmark -- their names and the year they arrived. There is still a strong Nordic community here, Swedish Hospital, names of streets and communities. It was interesting to see this statue in the snow, looking out to sea.
This last photo is of Adam and the three doggies sharing a "snow/ice stick". They have all been totally puzzled by their new white world. Sam with his short legs, had to literally leap from spot to spot.
Snow always changes the world into a fair tale landscape. Beautiful photos and the written part of your post is also interesting.
I know it must be a hassle with all these snow fall, but it makes for a lovely winter landscape. I love them photos.
Sylvia: That is amazing to see that much show in Seattle. You captured some neat photo.
Isn't it amazing how snow turns the whole world into black and white? We will have a white Christmas here in the Northwest for sure. Enjoy your holidays, and the snow!
I don't think I've ever seen a gull standing in snow before. No wonder he's confused. Now, you have to share the link to your friend's blog so we can all enjoy the new version of the Christmas carol!
I was reading some of your other posts as well. Thanks for giving me a smile on a cold, gray day.
I agree, the snow along the coastal waters of WA State changes the perception of everything. It's a nice and pleasant change that goes well with the Holiday season.
This is really fascinating for me beacuse of the Viking conncetion to the Isle Of Man. It is amazing to find how far the Norsemen may or may not have got.
This is really fascinating for me beacuse of the Viking conncetion to the Isle Of Man. It is amazing to find how far the Norsemen may or may not have got.
Visiting you from That's My World. Great snow pictures, I love the one of the grove of trees.
look at all that snow...i can understand why the gulls would be a bit perplexed...lol.
happy holidays from snowless central virginia where it is 20 degrees and windy.
It's great when you can just enjoy the beauty of the snow. Happy Holidays!
EVerywhere looks so beautiful with snow, great piccies, Merry Christmas.
A real winter wonderland for you! Love the staue of Leif Erikson so nicely blanketed by snow.
Have a Happy Christmas with your family.
thank you for the beautiful trip of your world!
It's so strange to see Seattle wearing a white veil. Snow on the beach?
Have a very Merry Christmas with your family.
Sylvia, you have shared some really beautiful snow pics. I never tire if seeing the beauty of a winter wonderland and so nice to see your world. You had nice wet snow that sticks making the trees so pretty.
We are all experiencing a little more snow than usual. We drove north from Washington on the last clear day of the month. That was very fortunate. Ever since the roads have been really tricky. I invite you to come visit my post about Powell River and see some of the sites we have to offer. -- Margy
The snow turns winter drab into beautiful scenery. Beautiful photos!
So much snow! A white Christmas for you then! Nice photos.
Merry Christmas, enjoy the festive season.
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