I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sky Watch Friday!

Time to share your skies! Sky Watch is hosted each week by Klaus and the Sky Watch team of Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and myself! Each week people from all over the world share the beauty of their skies! Click on the icon, sign up and join us!

To really see this week's skies here, do click on the photo to embiggen. Amazing what a difference it can make.

March is a month of considerable frustration - it is so near spring and yet across a great deal of the country the weather is still so violent and changeable that outdoor activity in our yards seems light years away. - Thalassa Cruso

The air is like a butterfly. With frail blue wings.
The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings. - Joyce Kilmer, Spring

The sun is brilliant in the sky but its warmth does not reach my face.
The breeze stirs the trees but leaves my hair unmoved.
The cooling rain will feed the grass but will not slake my thirst.
It is all inches away but further from me than my dreams.
- M. Romeo LaFlamme, The First of March

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. - William Wordsworth


Kay said...

Oh happy day, Sylvia! Have a terrific spring day! I do so love spring. I miss seeing that change in seasons.

clairz said...

Lovely dramatic skies, Sylvia. Happy weekend!

Louise | Italy said...

Gorgeous shots, and lovely poetry. It was only recently that I realised what Wordsworth was on about with his Daffodils poem - they really are fairly boring alone but in a crowd, a host, they are stupendous!

Regina said...

Beautiful skies and quotes.
Have a lovely springtime Sylvia.
Happy weekend ahead.

Anonymous said...

Love the quotes, Sylvia! Yes, March is often a time of frustration...but this year it has been quite beautiful in Ontario, so more like Joyce Kilmer's idea. :)

Tania said...

Wonderful post, word and skies. The last one is so beautiful with the light and the reflection in the water, just love it!
Husg from Norway:-)

Carol said...

Beautiful Seattle skies! I like the clouds in the first shot, and the last is so serene. It's nice to see the daffodils, we are not seeing them here yet...

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Lovely blue skies and cloud formations. A

Debra said...

Sylvia these are all beautiful shots, but I love the clouds in the 3rd one and my other favorite is the last one....it's just gorgeous how the sun is shining down through the clouds and reflecting on the water! So peaceful and stunning! Have a nice day. ~ Debra

Ebie said...

Oh, what a bright and warm welcome of your new template. The photos of your skies are so dramatic!

http://graceolsson.com/blog said...

nice shots, dear Sylvia..havea nice day

Anonymous said...

You always find the best image/quote combo.

Carver said...

I love the blue sky and clouds and daffodils are such a treat this time of year. The last shot leaves me at a loss for words other than to say, magnificent!

Elisabeth said...

Fabulous sky shots, as always, Sylvia. I see many images in those cloud formations. Wonderful!

lazyclick said...

Amazingly beautiful sky shots.

Kim, USA said...

Wow that is super beautiful sky!!

A sunset

Mojo said...

I couldn't remember who it was that wrote that one about the daffodils... thanks!

LOVE that last shot. Brilliant.

Eaglesbrother said...

Such beautiful skies you have this time...love the wonderful cloud formations.

Johnny Nutcase said...

great sky! the last one is my favorite. Great colors and rays!

Anonymous said...

the first one is my fav. i can see dogs snout and eye. a flying dog. it's so interesting and a real beauty. mom nat(/your choice of higher power) flexs it's beauty muchles. stunning!

very well done!
you have a great weekend! :)

Kcalpesh said...

Nature is so beautiful! And what's even more awesome is that there are artistic people like you who can capture the beautiful moments so gracefully! Nice shots!

Pixellicious Photos

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Sylvia: What beautiful capture and words for SWF.

Rajesh said...

Fantastic sky shots. Beautiful cloud formations.

skywatch @ Jaisalmer Golden City & more

Gry said...

Beautiful clouds! And the last picture - fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia you always capture such beautiful skies. These are just stunning my friend. Well done. Have a wonderful day my fellow hedonists LOL :)

My name is Riet said...

Oh wow beautiful skies , THose clouds you can fantasize about. Wonderful

Unknown said...

You wow me sylvia... you always do..
please visit http://helpnigeria.blogspot.com
Thank you so much..

overtiredmum said...

They look like good skies to me. Yippee for daffs - I've been on a daff hunt today but none to be shot here yet. xo

Anonymous said...

Lovely skies and the lake reflection too!
We have been seeing that rich,deep quality of Gold this week at sunset too, very nice captures!
Have a great weekend!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Sylvia, very beautiful, so much promise in March. The pictures are tops and love the poetry. Enjoy your weekend too. T.

jabblog said...

Wonderful blue and white skies - but your last shot is just gorgeous!

Tara R. said...

Beautiful clouds. I love the sun flare in the first shot.

Animor said...

Sky, skies are blue, what a beautiful and dramatic skies, changeable mood everyda. Love your shots

Thanks for always skywatching on my site.

Light and Voices said...

Hubba, Hubba! Exciting skywatch post.
Joyce IL, U.S.A.

joo said...

It's hard to believe that it's time to watch the sky again! Fabulous photos as usually - the last is breathtaking!!!
Have a lovely weekend:)

Dewdrop said...

Gorgeous skies, as always. Looks like you found a bit of spring to post, too. :D

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

wonderful series of skies...i love all your shots...

indicaspecies said...

Stunning captures! Thank you for sharing so much beauty, and have a lovely day.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Fantastic captures Sylvia!, as always. Beautiful skies and I like the yellow flowers too.

Have a great weekend.

eden said...

Such beautiful clouds and lovely words. And beautiful sign of Spring too. Love the daffs and the last images the most.

Jim said...

I'm transfixed by the last one.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

bobbie said...

All marvelous as always, but that last shot is breath-taking.
Love Mr. Wordsworth.

Nessa said...

You have such beautiful scenery. the lake/bay is wonderful.

T 13 - Magical Creatures

Anonymous said...

So beautiful, and what a wonderful, golden glow in that last sky!

April said...

Such interesting skies at this wonderful time of the year. Beautiful pictures!

syel said...

spring is really near Sylvia! the skies are blue, the flowers are gorgeous and the sunset is stunning! have a lovely weekend! :)

Judy said...

Beautiful shy photos. The last one is awesome. I can't wait to see my tulips and daffodils blooming again.

Anonymous said...

Oh what beautiful bright happy faced daffodils - makes me smile! Thanks for the spring hit.

Al said...

Another great series of shots. I love the shape of the clouds in the first one, and of course the harbor shot. Flowers are always nice to see (great perspective) since they won't be seen around my part of the world for some time yet.

penny said...

The lovely golden glow reflecting on the water in the shot of the harbor is beautiful, Sylvia.
If I ever get to Seattle I am heading straight the the park overlooking that marina.

LV said...

What a beautiful golden post filled with outstanding verses. You did an excellent job tying all this in such a grand showing. So pleased when you take the time to visit me blog.

Carolyn Ford said...

These are all superb! But...I REALLY like the last one! What a dazzling sunset complete with water and light reflections...nice one!

Verna Luga said...

First, I love your header.... the flowers are lovely, so rich!

Second, the skies are gorgeous..

third, that lovely yellow flower ... the promise of spring ...

SandyCarlson said...

Your skies are gorgeous. I love that first shot. So much drama, light, and texture. And the peace of the last....

We have vivid blue or sheet rock white. The variety may come with April!

God bless, Sylvia.

Terrebel said...

Oh, those reflections in that last shot...It's spring just behind those dark clouds...in Dutch "Spring" means "to jump" so when English speaking people tell us "spring is in the air" we feel the urge to jump up...;-)

Have a good weekend, Sylvia!

Terrence looks at the sky

Maria said...

Yes, those first photos are so dramatic! Love that!
and the last one...
The gold in the water is splendid. I paused and enjoyed that one very much, Sylvia~

Enjoy the weekend~ hope it's nice and relaxing~

Anonymous said...

Lovely post again. The skies are wonderful.

Jenn Jilks said...

As always, beautiful words to match the shots. Ontario skies are getting more blue!

Mare said...

You capture the most beautiful photos!!

Maude Lynn said...

Marvelous pictures!

Hildred said...

Cloud pictures are wonderful Sylvia, but the last shimmering picture touches me most.

tapirgal said...

It seems we have more daffodils than usual this year, and mayb you do, too. I expecially love the first cloud photo - it is soaring!

JunieRose2005 said...

Love your sky shots-and that's one of my favorite poems!! It's so perfect for spring!


Pat said...

Gorgeous sky shots and delightful quotes to go with them, Sylvia. Have a wonderful weekend!

dianasfaria.com said...

Your skies are amazing Sylvia!
& your quotes are always inspiring.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wonderful photos Ms. Sylvia, have a great weekend!

~Cheryl said...

Lovely cloud pictures, Sylvia! I like the way you slipped in some delightful daffodils! Thanks for stopping by every so often; I appreciate your comments and friendship. The weekend ahead promises to be a fabulous one, so enjoy every second!

Carletta said...

The clouds in your world always seem so full of depth - just lovely as are those little yellow blooms of Spring!
Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

Anonymous said...

Great shots of blue skies... and a fantastic sunset in the last photo.

Have a joyful weekend!

Pietro Brosio said...

What a wonderful Sky Watch, Sylvia!
A splendid sequence of fine photos and inspiring quotes!
Have a great weekend!

Tash said...

such expressive skies! so much emotion in those clouds. The last scene is emotional too - but with calm serenity.

elvira pajarola said...

Cara Sylvia....MAGNIFICIENT....sooo very beautiful SKY.....!!

Admiring a splendid view...even if it is the very same from our homes... EVERY TIME this special view is so unique and surprise us with its immense BEAUTY..... isn't it WONDERFUL??!!!!!

I wish You a happy and sunny weekend, cara Sylvia!
ciao ciao elvira

SquirrelQueen said...

Gorgeous skies, the cloud formation in the first photo is stunning. Your daffodils are so pretty. It looks like spring has arrived in the Pacific NW.

Benita said...

Lovely blue skies.

Happy weekend!

Maireanna said...

Upeita kuvia! Täällä näkyy sininen taivas vielä harvoin, joten siitä iloitseekin sitten kovin. Hyvää viikonloppua Sinulle!
toivotteleepi Anna.

Mike's Travels said...

Just great to see the daffodils coming... we are still waiting!

magiceye said...

oh wow!

ninja said...

Ah, love your daffodils!!!! They always are a symbol of Spring for me.

webruci said...

Dear Sylvia your pictures is always wonderful:) When i see this row of comments I'm intimidate :)
Thanks for your comments and for your kind words, and sorry if I'm late with the visits, but my time is so sort:)

Have a nice weekend.

Marites said...

such beautiful photos..i just love those yellow flowers. We're having extreme weather too but it's more on the dry and hot side. have a nice weekend.

Dorothy said...

Your pictures are simply gorgeous!

Carolyn said...

Thank you Sylvia for reminding what I miss about the west coast! Have a wonderful weekend.

Tarun Mitra said...

wow...wonderful sky photographs..and thanks for visiting my blog time and again :)

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Very beautiful skies Sylvia!!!

Japa said...

Terrific sky shots, the drama of spring becoming true. Lovely flowers now start their show. And beautiful words. I won't forget Wordsworth's "Daffodils" way back in high school years. Great post.

Splendid Little Stars said...

beautiful photos and quotes! The first cloud does look something like a butterfly or something winged.
Spring today is warmish and sunny. The crocuses and daffodils are blooming and I'm loving it. Happy Spring to you, Sylvia!

George said...

I really like your sky pictures, but the daffodils look good as well.

Susan at Stony River said...

The skies are so beautiful, Sylvia, but I still love those daffodils best - to me they always seem like the kick we give winter's backside as we push it through the door - no turning back to snow and frost when they arrive (hopefully!)

I hope you're having a wonderful first-day-of-Spring weekend!

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time