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Monday, December 21, 2009

That's My World - Seattle - Pioneer Square

That's My World is hosted each week by Klaus and the My World team of Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and myself. Each week people from all over the world share the beautiful and interesting parts of their world. Click on the icon, sign up and share your world with us! PLEASE!
do read and follow the instructions when you sign in! And have a great holiday weekend!

This week I thought that I would share another fun place in Seattle called Pioneer Square! The photos and history are courtesy of Google and Wikipedia.

Christmas in Seattle!

Pioneer Square is a neighborhood in the southwest corner of Downtown Seattle, Washington, USA. It was once the heart of the city: Seattle's founders settled there in 1852, following a brief six-month settlement at Alki Point on the far side of Elliott Bay. The early structures in the neighborhood were mostly wooden, and nearly all burned in the Great Seattle Fire of 1889. By the end of 1890, dozens of brick and stone buildings had been erected in their stead; to this day, the architectural character of the neighborhood derives from these late 19th century buildings, mostly examples of Richardsonian Romanesque.

The Totem Pole

Pioneer Square in the Spring!

The neighborhood takes its name from a small triangular plaza near the corner of First Avenue and Yesler Way, originally known as Pioneer Place. The Pioneer Square-Skid Road Historic District, a historic district including that plaza and several surrounding blocks, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Like virtually all Seattle neighborhoods, the Pioneer Square neighborhood lacks definitive borders. It is bounded roughly by Alaskan Way S. on the west, beyond which are the docks of Elliott Bay; by S. King Street on the south, beyond which is SoDo; by 5th Avenue S. on the east, beyond which is the International District; and it extends between one and two blocks north of Yesler Way, beyond which is the rest of Downtown. Because Yesler Way marks the boundary between two different plats, the street grid north of Yesler does not line up with the neighborhood's other streets (nor with the compass), so the northern "border" of the district zigzags along numerous streets.

In some places, the Pioneer Square-Skid Road Historic District extends beyond these borders. It includes Union Station east of 4th Avenue S., and several city blocks south of S. King Street.

Ready for some coffee or a bite of lunch?

One of my favorite places very near Pioneer Square is Elliott Bay.

The Elliott Bay ferry.

And my most favorite spot of all to enjoy Pioneer Square!


Anonymous said...

WOOT...hey PhQB...maybe we can meet there at Pioneer Square when I get up there. I'd love to see that waterfall :) Excellent pictures :) That is a beautiful picture of the Space Needle with the tree. Happy Holidays to you and your family :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Seattle is on the bucket list. Thanks for the tour.

Dirkjogt said...

Nice posting. I understand why this last one is your favorite spot, gorgeous.

Great Grandma Lin said...

interesting, never been there in all my trips to seattle. thanks for sharing...

Sylvia K said...

Dirkjogt -- I do so wish I could leave a comment on your blog because I love your posts for My World and Skywatch, but as many times as I try to leave one, your blog won't let me even though I type in all the spam prevention letters.

I'll try again today.


Rajesh said...

Wonderful history of the place and beautiful snaps. It is sad to know tat earlier wooden structures were burnt down by the fire.

Joe Todd said...

Great post love the music and commentary

Guy D said...

Incredible photos once again. I have to say the the sixth pic is one of my alltime favourites, just gorgeous.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Carol said...

Enjoyed this tour and all the info....it looks like a beautiful place to visit...love Pioneer Square...

Xavi said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I have enjoyed my visit here.
Merry Christmas!!

Carver said...

What a fantastic tour. I liked the whole sequence but the totem pole and then the last shot of the waterfall are my favorite. Great post!

Unknown said...

last pic - wow! Would love to have a drink there and I can imagane to sound of the water... it will be wonderful

Anonymous said...

Great shots - so beautiful by the water. And how delightful to have waterfalls...

Anonymous said...

wonderful entry. i really really would love to visit seattle some day.

have a blessed christmas.

My name is Riet said...

What a nice post. Lovely pictures, I love the waterfall.
Merry Christmas

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for the tour, Sylvia! I think your favorite spot will also be mine! Have a great day and a very merry Christmas.

bobbie said...

I am torn for "favorite" between the totem pole and the bay. I love it all.

VioletSky said...

Seattle has just moved several notches higher on my list of must see cities!

Peter Molz said...

Beautiful photos from Seattle / Pioneer Square!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, I came in here looking for a Shadow Shot, but these pictures of "Your World" are beautiful. And what a great idea for a meme. I may have to play along, because I love sharing photos of "my world" in North Carolina too!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Sylvia: What beautiful views of Seattle, great shot of the Space Needle.

Barbara said...

Thank you for the tour of Pioneer Square - very interesting and informative.

Carolyn Ford said...

I love that Christmas tree and the Space Needle! That is such a fabulous sight...amazing lights.

Samson said...

Wonderful post Sylvia

Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas :)

Samson said...

Wonderful post Sylvia

Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - such great pics, Sylvia! The first one of the Space Needle and the Xmas tree is stunningly beautiful - Awesome!!!
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year, my friend!

Martha Z said...

Great post, Seattle is such an interesting city. I love your first photo with the Space Needle juxtaposed with the Christmas tree.

Anonymous said...

You live in such a lovely city!

Janie said...

This looks like a fascinating area to explore. I love the waterfall in the last photo. That would be my favorite area, too.
Happy Christmas, Sylvia!

Linda Reeder said...

I discovered that little pocket park with the waterfall some time ago when I was on jury duty downtown. I must revisit it!

Snap said...

We always enjoy our visits to Pioneer Square (underground Seattle). Wonderful shots. Thanks for the memories!

SandyCarlson said...

Amazing, amazing, amazing. Such a beautiful place, and so clean, so contemporary and classic. What a place.

Merry Christmas.

Peggy said...

Beautiful pictures of Pioneer Sq and Seattle. I have never been there and the only part of Seattle that I have seen is the "Sleepless" parts. That Sq is so great, would love to eat there among the great looking shopes and restaurants,
Merry Christmas Sylvia my friend and to your beautiful family !

magiceye said...

that sure was interesting ... loved the pioneer square too!

Eden said...

HI, Syliva!

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

That is a lovely place to visitand my favourite is the Pioneer Square.

Have a lovely week!

Inday said...

Very interesting world of yours Madam Sylvia graced by such a colorful history.

Sistertex said...

A beauty this week, Sylvia. :)

Marites said...

the Christmas tree with the space needle is a pretty pic. The place is really beautiful! It would be nice to visit it someday. Merry Christmas!! and thanks for visiting my blog:)

chrome3d said...

Pioneer Square is indeed a magnificent place. I dunno if it´s really a place to talk to others while sitting at a coffeetable but it must be an experience.

Gattina said...

Very interesting ! Seattle looks very "European" I would say, at least on the photos you show !

Anonymous said...

Looks like a really great place to have in a city - right now I vote for the Pioneer Square of the spring version - looks nice and warm and snow free!!!

penny said...

I love seeing the wonderful sights from your journeys around Washington, Sylvia. They certainly are spectacular and interesting to see.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.

NatureFootstep said...

I love that last waterfall. :) Very nice.

A merry christmas :)

storyteller said...

How fun to see your Seattle views and learn a bit about how you celebrate up there. Sorry to be visiting so late ... I just picked this post up in my 'reader' this morning and clicked on over. I shared My World later than usual this week ... distracted as I've been with other issues.
Hugs and blessings,

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time