So, what are your skies like today? If you don't like yours, you can find lots of different ones and if you do like yours then you can share them! Sky Watch is hosted every week by Klaus and the Sky Watch Team of Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and myself! Click on the icon and sign up to share your skies and enjoy those of others! PLEASE! do read and follow the instructions before signing in!
Well, winter is here and so is GRAY! So, I've wistfully looked back to the past couple of weeks and thought I'd share a few from those lovely skies.
The Sky! Sometimes gentle, sometimes capricious, sometimes awful, never the same for two months together; almost human in its passions, almost spiritual in its tenderness, almost Divine in its infinity. Bayard Ruskin
The treasures hidden in the heavens are so rich that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
And that inverted Bowl they call the Sky, whereunder crawling coop'd we live and die, Lift not your hands to it for help--for it As impotently moves as you or I.
Omar Khayyam
The Rubaiyat
If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it. ~Toni Morrison
The moon is like a mystery novel, the sun like a motivational self-help book, and the stars a coffee table book of photography. The sky is the whole library, and God the librarian. ~Pepper Giardino
If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. ~Eleonora Duse
Rejoice, Sylvia! Your soul is most certainly alive, as evidenced by the fantastic photos you give us with each post.
It's really amazing how much beauty is in the sky. Everyday is different from the gray of winter to the glorious sunsets.
Your pictures are always a joy to behold.
Sunny :)
All of these are just fantastic. Those clouds, except for the last one, look menacing in a beautiful way. Just stunning my friend :)
Wonderful quotations to accompany your beautiful photographs - simply lovely!
I don't believe it's possible for you to get a blah sky in Seattle. All your photos are magnificent!
all the hues are so breathtaking..god is indeed the librarian..
You seem to find peace and serenity in the sky so easily and simply. Mine is the pleasure!
Everyone of these photos is gorgeous, Sylvia, and the quotes are beautiful as well. I think the first shot is my favorite, but I really could pick any one.
Beautiful skies as always!
Wonderful skies, Sylvia! I think I like the second one best! Breathtaking! Have a nice weekend!
Isn't it so gratifying to go back to our archives and see the many wonderful skies we captured and had forgotten all about?
fab shots, lovely words (and I WANT that snow effect!).
Have a great weekend xo
The skies never stop to surprise us! Thanks for sharing your beautiful skies! Ours was gray all day and I believe it's going to snow again.
Great shots including that sunset overlooking Shilshole!!
Have a wonderful weekend, Sylvia!
Fantastic photos of beautiful skies.
Thanks for visiting me too.
Have a nice weekend/Gunilla
Great skies Sylvia. We haven't had much color in my part of Ohio lately though the sun is out today
gorgeous captures sylvia...there is a softness to the winter skies...it has its own beat. there is also an intensity in the colors as well. needless to say my camera is always by my side as i bop about to and from work...just in case something above catches my eye.
have a wonderful weekend.
Well said, Sky Watch Friday is the best fun seeing the sky from so many different angles and moods.
Sylvia: A brilliant series of variable Winter skies, love all the color you got.
Youve done it once again Sylvia, these are fantastic.
All the best :)
Regina In Pictures
You've put together a lovely selection of skies and beautiful quotes, Sylvia. Have a great weekend,
I love the golden colors! Really sensational shots... better than the greyness you have, I am sure!
Testing. Hope this gets thru to you, Sylvia. I had problems with your previous method of leaving comments...
I echo the sentiments of the others -- magnificent photos! The skies over my suburb are rather boring, nothing like yours.
As always your skies are so beautiful. I love the quotes too.
Wonderful photos, as usual. I really love the quotes, too.
The second photo is fabulous! I mean all of them are fabulous but the second is my favourite:)
Lovely weekend to you!
Since I joined sky watch I started looking at skies and there was a whole new world
I love your beautiful skypictures.
Hi sylvia, I am crazy for the skies.....love it so much
and adored to come back to your website.
I was out, dearest...
congrats for the shots
have a nice friday
Very spectacular skies over there Ma'am Sylvia!
I love the variety of beautiful skies in this post. Very refreshing.
Beautiful sky captures, and I love the sky quotes, especially the one that refers to the sky as a library!
What wonderful quotes you've shared along with your beautiful sky photos! Just lovely post as always. I'm sharing my beautiful beach sunset views at Sacred Ruminations this week ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
You still have some wonderful sky photos even when it is snowing on your page. I love the lighting on the clouds in the last photo.
Such wonderful skies and a reminder that despite what one might feel sometimes, the skies are not always grey. Wishing you a fun filled sun kissed weekend.
Sylvia, those first two photos are as refreshing as a walk outside in the sun. Just the thing to chase away the gray-sky blues.
Beautiful sunset & great skyscape..Thanks & have a wonderful weekend.
Nice Captures Sylvia, love the 3rd photo
Have a nice weekend
There is something magical about a sunrise or sunset near the beach, and these images certainly made me smile.
My fave is the 2nd photo - that sun makes this landscape shot amazing!!! Merry Christmas, dear Sylvia!
Lovely sky shots. I loved the reflection of rays of light on the water. Beautiful.
Your quotes and photos, this weekend, Sylvia ... are so beautiful...
Each photo and each quote made me pause for a moment to ponder the great world we've been given as a gift from God.
Beautiful sky shots.
Your shots of the sun setting over the harbor are breathtaking, Sylvia. We have had a lot of gray skies also but ours are full of melted snow :)
You're making me jealous with your wonderful shots and accompanying lyrics...;-)
Terrence looks at the sky
These are so very beautiful. Thanks for the blessing of color.
What a great collection of colors from very peachy to steel gray. Great job.
The first 2 shots are the best, I think!
gorgeous captures!!
Your photo and quote reaquainted me with Johannes Kepler from my long ago college days. The heavens were so alive for him and Galileo in those days. Thanks again for your warm thoughts. RE: My adventure..18 days til blast off.
Along with the pictures the words that you have posted are so beautiful. Thanks for both.
Your photos are wonderful along with the quotes to ponder.
Your eyes soothes my eyes and the quotes that you've shared will definitely make sit for a while and ponder for a moment.
Thanks for stimulating my senses.
Oh sorry, need to delete the other ones, something is wrong with my keyboard.
And for those typo errors:
I mean...your photos soothes my eyes and the quotes that you've shared will definitely make me sit for a while and ponder for a moment.
really stunning shots! Beautiful captures!
Beautiful selection of different skies !
BTW if you want to see more of the Brussels shopping mall it's here
I love all your skies today and also the lovely words that goes with it.
Absolutely stunning! Wow!
These skies are really stunning as your skies always are. Great sequence of shots!
I love the sea...I love the sailboats which are in the homeport; tranquil and waiting for the next good wind to sail off.....! ...The first picture is not only gorgeous with its magnificient sky.....the little sailport makes it most fascinating and evoques adventuring thoughts...!
have a beautiful weekend!
ciao elvira
Gorgeous captures Sylvia!!
Have a great weekend! :)
youre sky shots are fantastic, each one more lovely than the one before. love that third one. happy weekend to you sylvia.
Beautiful skies Sylvia. Ours are completely gray this week too, so I too when looking for something warmer and friendlier to post this week.
Wow, you sure have some gorgeous skies and pine trees too! I love the quotes, all new to me this time. Have a great weekend. :)
the sunrise is really gorgeous! have a happy Christmas Sylvia!
Our skies have been crying so much there is no way to get a picture. I want some sun!
Thanks for the visit.
Beautiful images, the first two is magnificant with a glimce of the sun over the lake.
Very beautiful, Sylvia!
Gorgeous stuff, as usual, Sylvia. But what I really love this week are the little snowflakes! They made my morning.
Thye ever changing skies are always ripe for picking...picking a great photograph that is.
Wow Sylvia!
This are wonderful pictures ! ! !
I like it!
Nice weekend
Fantastic sky, color and really lovely shots!:-)
Have a nice weekend!
I have nothing original to add... but I love your skies and the words you have chosen for them.
Amazing shots! I never stop wondering about how beautiful nature can be!
And thanks for your nice comment on my post :o)
Wish you a lovely weekend!
I'm a little late, but I've enjoyed catching up on your shots and lovely words you've included. Looks like the skies are alive where you are! Thanks for the visits and enjoy the week.
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