I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sky Watch Friday!

Sky Watch is hosted each week by Klaus and the Sky Watch Team - Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and me. Click here to sign up and share your lovely skies with us! See and enjoy breathtaking skies from all over the world!

Here in Seattle we had our usual marvelous variety as our skies celebrate the coming of another fall season. And no place are the skies more beautiful or varied than they are over the harbor.

And above the harbor!

The sunsets so wonderfully visible from our deck, as some of you know, continue to take my breath away, regardless of how frequently I watch them.

Enjoy! and may you all have a beautiful weekend!


http://graceolsson.com/blog said...

Sylvia, dearest

I feel all beautiful..but I love it the first one..congrats and have a nice day


Regina said...

Another great skies!
Have nice weekend.

chrome3d said...

It´s the sunsets that were the ones for me from this SWF post...although the silvery sea is so smooth now that I watch it again.

James said...

This is a great selection of skies. Each one beautiful in it's own way.

Susan at Stony River said...

They're all beautiful, but I like the second one best. I'd love to be sitting there on the hill and watching such lovely white clouds float by!

Have a great weekend Sylvia!

L. Neusiedler said...

the sky changing so many faces, a wonderful painter or a wonderful actor? you, for sure, a wonderful photographer!

Carol said...

Great skies, Sylvia...I love the glow on the water in the first shot...and the pink and blue skies are always so pretty.

Great Grandma Lin said...

love sunsets...great photos

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful skies,great shots

Anonymous said...

lovely skies as always in your world...the last capture so beautiful.
have a wonderful weekend sylvia.

EG CameraGirl said...

Your skies have a lovely dream-like quality this week, Sylvia!

Carver said...

These are all wonderful sky shots and usual and I love the autumn trees in one of the shots.

Deborah Godin said...

Beautiful and uplifting. You have such gorgeouls skies and time of the day!

earthtoholly.com said...

All such beautiful, yet different, skies! I especially like that last one...very eerie... Happy SWF!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

The last three photos are simply amazing!
Sky Watch Friday

♥ Stines hverdag said...

I love sunsets! Picture 3 and 4 are beautiful!

Stines Sky Watch Friday

Darlene said...

Just lovely, Sylvia.

Photo Cache said...

Nothing short of gorgeous. Really getting more tempted to visit so I can see this for myself.

Have a great day.

Janie said...

Beautiful changing skies and sunsets. I see you're getting some autumn colors, too.

Martha Z said...

Beautiful. I take it that the persistent gloom has not yet set in.

Carolyn Ford said...

Incredible captures!

Xavi said...

Lovely skies, Sylvia.
Happy week end.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Sylvia: You got several wonderful capture of the bay and sky, so nicely done.

Tara R. said...

These are magnificent! The sunsets are glorious and the harbor shots are the perfect image of fall.

J said...

Great dramatic sunsets

Unknown said...

Great sunset pics! You were there at the peak moments!

Maria Berg said...

So big and so colorful the sky and still it is the same sky but so diffrent all the time,
Maria Berg
sending my love and hope that you have a wounderful weekend.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great variety of pictures. I love the contrast between the dark and the light, the clear sky and cloudy.

LV said...

A very nice showing of the beauty from your part of the world. Truly enjoyed it.

joo said...

They are simply beautiful!
Have a nice weekend:)

eileeninmd said...

Your photos are all beautiful, the skies and the scenery are just wonderful. Thanks for sharing and hosting Skywatch.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, your skies are continually entertaining with the magical colours and displays and you are right, you could never cease to enjoy!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Spectacular sunsets. Isn't it amazing, we are always humbled when standing under a canopy of pink wonderfulness?

penny said...

Your skies are pure magic, Sylvia. So calming and peaceful, they could just put me to sleep. nite, nite :)

Samson said...

Nice photo's Sylvia, love the sunset photos, i'm a great fan of sunset/rise photos and take a shot of it when ever i get a chance

Thanks for your comments on my blog, i can always expect a comment from you and your comments push me to be on a look out and come back with a good photo :)

Thanks for hosting Skywatch, have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Beautiful celebration.
Luiz Ramos

Naturegirl said...

Beautiful Autumn skies!The first the sky if so low as though you could reach up and grab a handfull of cloud!

SandyCarlson said...

All these colors and moods are wonderful.

Jim said...

fantastic skies
Sydney - City and Suburbs

storyteller said...

Marvelous skies as always! Thanks so much for sharing and for visiting my Small Reflections 2nd Blogoversary post.
Hugs and blessings,
My Sky Watch

Linda Reeder said...

Wow. All beautiful, but eepecially the intense sunsets. Your deck is perfect for sky watching.

Cathy said...

Very beautiful pictures!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Gorgeous shots. I think the last one was my favorite.

Hildred said...

Wonderful harbour scenes, and the lights in the clouds are very beautiful.

Lew said...

Your west coast skies are always beautiful! Great shots!

Louise said...

These are all so beautiful, but I'm with you about the harbor. Give me some water, and all is well! (A little bit of a bad attitude for someone who lives in the desert! Fortunately I can live between my water "fixes.")

Maria said...

The last photo is so lovely, Sylvia... it has so many layers!
A wonderful weekend to you!

Gaelyn said...

These are skies it would be hard to get tired of. Love that first image with the sun's rays shining thru onto the water. And those sunsets are to die for. Excellent captures Sylvia.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia - the colors and the silhouettes are quite stunning. Wonderful photographs.

Carolyn said...

Such beautiful skies Sylvia. You must be just below the heavy weather that has given us grief the past seven days. We usually find that if our weather is good, you guys are getting bad weather and if our weather is bad you are getting the good weather. It seems to slip up and down the coast. Thanks for sharing.

magiceye said...

so gorgeous!

Arija said...

Sylvia, these are marvellous shots, one more beautiful than the next! You have had some wonderful skies lately.

Inday said...

I could have agreed you more Madam Sylvia! They are all nicely taken. Great to contemplate while watching them melt into the night.

Pearl Maple said...

Fabulous photos this week Syliva, you live in such a pretty part of the world.

Pietro Brosio said...

Sylvia, I've enjoyed a lot the whole sequence of wonderful images. What attractive sceneries!
Happy weekend!

Gattina said...

Very beautiful skies !!

Tammie Lee said...

ooh la la a great series of photos~

Lee Spangler said...

Can one ever get tired of sky pictures. Yours are especially glorious.

fond ly

Mike's Travels said...

Variety indeed! Beautiful colours.

Eaglesbrother said...

Great Fall shots...you captured the sky wonderfully.


jabblog said...

It makes the heart swell with joy to see such skies as these - beautiful!

ninja said...

I must congratulate You on that third shot. Many try to capture that pinky moment in the sky, few succeed. Excellent work!

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Wonderful skies, Sylvia - every one of them!

Quiet Paths said...

Serene and beautiful, Sylvia. The water looks so lovely!

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

What a great series of kies.
Specially the second and the third one are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your weekend!

Lilli & Nevada said...

wonderful set of photos

nonizamboni said...

I might have said this before, but you truly live in God's country. These are phenomenal skies, Sylvia!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Thank you for showing such beautiful skies.
My your weekend be happy.

Carletta said...

Your skies are always so stunning -just beautiful!
Hope your weekend is off to a great start.

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time