Get out the magnifying glass, get into your best sleuthing clothes and start prowling your environment looking for those wonderful, but sometimes elusive shadows. It does help to have some sunshine! We HAD some!! Ah, well!!! This fun and challenging meme is hosted each week by Tracy over at Hey Harriet! Click on the icon, sign up and show us how clever you are!
I'm not even going to mention the weather this week, but I'm sure you get the message! But I still played around anyway -- in a shadowy respect, you understand!
Mojo was dreaming about last summer and wondering when she can go swimming again!
And I was thinking about a sunny, warm deck, a glass of something refreshing and a good book!
I got a new vase for the flowers I hope to have later and in what weak sunlight we had for a few minutes I got this shot and thought the texture of the glass top table on the vase shadow was really interesting! That dark shadow is the folded up umbrella!
And the good, old favorite -- blue!
Have a great weekend!!