Pardon me, Pals! Put down whatever you're Pretending to be Playing with! It's the P Day and not just here in the Pacific northwest! And you don't need a Pacifier -- Playing with the alphabet is all you need! You don't even need to be Paid and you can work in your Pajamas! Don't Panic and turn Pale, no one's looking! So grab a Pail of Paint and start Planning and Painting a P Pageant before we head for Paris to Play in the Park, watch the Partridges Patter around while we enjoy some delightful French Pancakes! In case you didn't notice, I am Pooped having just moved to my Perfect new apartment! And here are my Ps for the Day!! A Purple pot, Pumpkins, Pig, Puffy Pink clouds, Perfect view, Posies, Pretty Puppies! All mine, so suck it up, Lord Google!
I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
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What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.
Bonjour dear Sylvia!
I love your choices, those puppies are adorable and good luck in your perfect new apartment!
Sylvia hi
Beautiful poem from your friend and very nice photos, lovely !!!
Many greetings
perfectly perky p post!
Pretty perfect...
Another beautiful collage, Sylvia - hope you are enjoying your new digs!
You outdid Sir Google Sylvia. Perfect Post. Relax and enjoy your new apartment.
P-erfect P-ictures :-)
"all mine, so suck it up?" ha ha!
Especially love the pooches and the pig.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Wonderful selection of P words and photographs. I caught up on your other posts and see you are moved in. Congratulations!
Your header is marvellous! Thanks for all your colourful "P"s. Congratulations for your new house.
Your new banner, just as lovely and colorful as all the previous ones. You friend has a wonderful talent and eye for color.
Love all your words and pictures. Why didn't I think of PJ's....I have a really cute pair. HaHa
I just love the picture of the dogs!
Love your P post and your Pics - good luck in your new home - hope to visit again
The pooches are very expectant, guess there is food or provisions in offing. Hope you have enjoyed some pink skies from your apartment.
I miss Sam on the pictures ;)
But you certaily have a lot of Power in the Pictures :)
Have a great Wednesday Sylvia!
I'm amazed that you've found the time to play this week, Sylvia. You must be very organized!
I'll take that Perfect View! And the Puppers are adorable. Love your pics as usual.
The Pretty Puppies are so cute. Great P's for P day.
awesome Collection Sylvia.. perfect Ps for todays round.. have a great day!
So gald to hear you are moved in and love your new place!
Wonderful collection of photos! I always enjoyed looking at your photos.
Perfect and picturesque.
I love that portly pot bellied pig!
And, oh, my! Five floors up! Do you take the stairs all the time or??? It looks like you are on an island (I don't' know why I think that). Reminded me of Port Townsend.
I'm so glad you're happily settled. And great views too.
Loving all your Ps, Sylvia!
Lovely P's especially the pig - So pleased you have settled and happy in your new place.
I want the black pig ! it's so cute ! Would fit so well with Arthur, lol !
Cool Collage - gorgeous sky, plump piggy and wonderful flowers. Good P...
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