I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our World!!!

Time for "Our World" again! This is a wonderful way to find the beauty, the fun, the good and even the bad things about Our World and to share them! Hope you will join us! Click on the link  to go to the Our World site and sign up!!
 It seems there are gorgeous colors everywhere -- particularly in the fresh veggies at the public markets!!!
Hope all of you have a wonderful week and a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.

Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.
Jean de La Fontaine


Martha Z said...

Love those colorful veggies!
Looks like some nasty weather is headed your way, try to stay dry.

Anonymous said...

Oh -- what delicious colours and shapes in the sky and in the markets.

Carver said...

Your world is colorful and beautiful.

Lowell said...

The sailboats! I love all those sailboats. Is that the view from your house? Magnificent.

And the 2nd photo - more water and boats. Two of my favorite things.]

Food, well, bring it on. Everything looks delicious except for that purple mushroom! What, that's not a mushroom? Coulda fooled me.

Unknown said...

Great colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of images from your part of world.

Valerie said...

Love that second shot Sylvia - it's like rays of warmth and love bursting through the clouds!

colleen said...

The sailboats almost look like litter or like the litter of dandelions in grass. The second shot really sweeps me up! http://looseleafnotes.com

Dianne said...

I agree Sylvia its wonderful to see the vibrant colours in fruit & vegetables ... especially the deep reds of beets and capsicums .
Have a beautiful week & keep safe. xx

Anonymous said...

Dreamy and delectable delights for my sight and tummy ~:)

Have a marvelous week, Sylvia.
XL ((:HUGS:))

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the landscapes but the vegetables are pure magic, Sylvia!

Penelope Notes said...

The colorful veggies sure look appetizing, Sylvia. I am very impressed with your political circle of friends. Amazing how peace on earth is so hard to get since we all seem to want it.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images..

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos ... I love all, especially the second light. Greetings.

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful and colorifil photo's S ylvia and words go. S well w it's them. Have a nice week

eileeninmd said...

Sylvia, gorgeous scenes and the veggies are looking delicious. Lovely photos! I wish you a great week ahead and a happy Thanksgiving.

Fun60 said...

Mmmm that broccoli looks so tasty. Enjoy Thanksgiving.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely sky photos and awesome vegetable photos ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

TexWisGirl said...

really like that 2nd photo.

Photo Cache said...

the produce shot makes me so happy.

Sridharan said...

Colorful and beautiful..!

Al said...

It's such a lovely part of the world you live in, Sylvia - great shots. Have a great week!

magiceye said...

Gorgeous captures!

Gail Dixon said...

These are so beautiful, Sylvia! I'm especially smitten with the sailboats dotting the water and the autumn colors in the foreground.

Andrea said...

Hi Sylvia, you surely have wonderful colors everywhere. That sunset is just like ours sometimes, but those colors of veggies are not all available here. How i wish eating a pink cauliflower, that must be fun!

SandyCarlson said...

Sylvia, your colors are gorgeous!

Maude Lynn said...

Those veggies look fabulous!

Arti said...

Wonderful captures! The fresh veggie's are a joy to watch. The second quote is amazing, how true.
Have a happy week Sylvia :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my gosh those veggies look so delicious... must be a wonderful farmer's market. Beautiful pics too. (It was so cold and rainy when we were in Tacoma recently -- I didn't even get any decent pix.)

Kusum said...

Colorful picture of veggies! Beautiful.

Jo said...

Love the colourful vegetable shot. And the sails on the water. Your posts are always a delight, Sylvia. I hope you're having a great day. Greetings, Jo

Mina fotostunder said...

Nice texts and photos!

Stewart M said...

Splendid show of vegetables!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful pics! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful world full of wisdom again Sylvia.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's some funky cauliflower there Sylvia, I wonder if it tastes the same? Lovely shots here.

Dianne said...

I was thinking of you as I watched the morning news
lots of rain and wind
stay safe
hugs to Sam

I love the photos
the little dots of sailboats are so pretty

Karen said...

Oh, lovely shots! That fuchsia cauliflower is amazing.

Unknown said...

Sylvia some stunning photos with the beautiful colors of the world.

Susie of Arabia said...

You always make me miss the Pacific Northwest. Next time I am up there, we must get together!

Ingrid said...

It's a beautiful world ... lalala !

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time