"You said the time has come to move beyond the bitterness and pettiness and anger that's consumed Washington. To end the political strategy that's been all about division, and instead make it about addition. To build coalition for change that stretches through red states and blue states."
Senator Barack Obama told this to a crowd that had come to hear his victory speech at the Iowa caucuses. He has said this over and over from the beginning, but it is something that John McCain still just doesn't get.
For the Republicans and John McCain it is still the old fear card that they are so good at waving -- and it has worked for them very well over the past eight years. But now it is also the "Joe the Plumber" card. And Palin is actually an affront even to many Republicans not to mention women in general.
John McCain has all but made a total mockery out of this entire campaign, he's out of touch with most of the people in this country, he doesn't seem to recognize that the country as a whole have had it with the Bush administration and it's repeated demonstration of incompetence. And, to add insult to injury, he has chosen the most unbelievably unprepared Palin to be his running mate. And these days they don't even seem to be talking to each other. Palin is doing her own thing more and more, even contradicting McCain altogether. What kind of unity does this show?
When will McCain wake up to the fact that the politics of the past are simply not going to make it these days?
Our country desperately needs new leadership, a new plan, a new dream to finally move us into the 21st century. This is not the time to fall backward, to depend on the things that have obviously not worked and have all but destroyed this country -- not only for us, but in the eyes of the world. And the eyes of the world are on us right now -- hoping to see new leadership, a new and better way of handling the problems that are plaguing not just our country but the rest of the world as well. We need to see hope for, not fear of the future.
I believe that Barack Obama is that hope. I believe that he can bring a new day to, not only our country, but to the world. And that is why I will vote for him next Tuesday. I hope each of you will do the same -- for our country, the world and each of us individually.
I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!
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What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.
I believe you're right, Sylvia. This country cannot afford another catastrophic administration. And a McCain administration would be another administration just like Bush's.
In order for him to entice even limited cooperation from the religious right, he has to have made them some rash promises.
that's where my vote will go but unfortunately utah always votes republican. i'm holding my breath to see who wins...
Absolutely!!! I'm thinking of going and voting early. Still... isn't it frightening that 45% of those polled think Sarah Palin is OK? What the heck?
I hope you are right, Sylvia. But I see far too many people who believe that Obama is an Arab and a pinko.
So very, very true and so well said.
Check out my blog entry for this Friday, Europe's Eyes Are On Us. Because they certainly ARE!
It's amazing. Senator Obama is so moderate that he wasn't even my third choice in the primaries, and here he's being painted as a radical socialist America-Hater.
And many, MANY people are believing it.
Vote early, vote often, Vote Obama, and pray that his free-market background doesn't belie his hopeful rhetoric.
Looks like Elizabeth Dole's wheels have really come off the track. Have you heard her latest 'godless' ad? It's been on the news but I imagine it's on YouTube by now. Boy do we ever need to heal those divisions!
Kentucky is going for McCain but I will vote for Obama on Tuesday as will my children. I hope he wins and we do move beyond this past administration.
have a look at This
(The "homams" mentioned are religious services at which offereings are made to the Gods...)
Even people in India are wishing that Obama wins.....and trying tio help !
Great points, Sylvia, thank you for posting about this!
I was willing to like any of the candidates at the start of this campaign, and sat back to watch. What Senator Obama has done with his campaign, and seeing what Senator McCain has done *to* his, made up my mind.
It's going to be a long week, waiting for the result. I hope it doesn't drag on like the last one.
Sylvia, you are an inspiring, well-spoken lady.
Maybe you should write speeches! I would enjoy listening to them.
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