In January we will see a new day dawn not only in Washington but throughout this country and beyond and I’m looking forward to experiencing that “new day”. I know Obama will have so many tugging on his sleeves and coat tails, and he’s not going to be able to satisfy them all – certainly not in his first year in office. I do hope, however, that he will find a way to bring a sense of fairness – we’ve bailed out the pompous fat cats in this country who have wrecked their companies and the economy. We’ve spent trillions of dollars on a war that never should have been. Isn’t it time to start thinking about the working poor and the young people? They have been hurt to the point they’re almost destitute, it seems it’s time to help them now.
With so many brokerage houses and banks, a multinational insurance company all depending on the Treasury for resuscitation, companies like General Motors facing bankruptcy it’s beginning to feel like a supersized recession. This kind of downturn buries the people at the bottom of the economic ladder and we have an obligation to look after them as well as the big cats – after all they are America, too, and make up a much larger portion of the population.
I want to believe that Obama knows what is needed at this point and it’s JOBS! Jobs for those who depend on a weekly or monthly paycheck. Credit cards are maxed, family savings are depleted, home equity is evaporating.
As many of those who are far wiser than I am have said, we can find an answer, but our leaders will have to think big. We’re talking about a program to rebuild the infrastructure of America – and believe me, it does need it! We can help our people and our country at the same time by rebuilding and repairing roads and bridges, decrepit schools and aged sewer systems. And don’t forget more “green” thinking and planning.
Next is universal health insurance – isn’t it time we caught up with the rest of the world by providing all of our people with proper health care?
Let’s stop spending trillions on a useless war that has not only drained us of incredible amounts of money, but has seriously damaged our country in the eyes of the rest of the world. Let’s stop funneling enormous amounts of money with little oversight to banks and Wall Street. Isn’t it time that we not only repair our school systems and provide health care for all, but how about if we stop throwing this country’s resources into the black hole? How about we invest in our country’s future, in our children’s future instead?
I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
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What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.
it's a daunting task ahead...let's pray for our new president's success...
President-Elect Obama has volumes of work ahead of him. I think with time and patience, he's up to the task. Some people thrive on challenge and those are the people "I" call leaders. I have no doubt he'll be a great one.
I think Obama does have what it takes to do what's need, however, as much as people say they want things fixed, the solutions aren't always pleasant or easy - like the belt tightening etc. So if he does what's needed, it might make him unpopular. He might end up being a one-term president, who does the tought stuff to start getting things back on track, but gets booted out after 4 years for his efforts! I hope voters would be smarter than that.
I wish the whole 'bailout' thing would be looked at again.
AIG is still spending money on retreats and spas and parties. Still!! just last week while asking for more.
my business is struggling but no one is going to do a damn thing for me - perhaps GM has to go under. Maybe new corporations run by smaller business people need to come up.
I'm also hoping that 'green' industries will provide new jobs.
If I could have the impossible I would not bail out the Big 3, but would give the money to a new start-up company that would only make energy efficient vehicles. I would transfer the workers from the big three to this new company to minimize the jobs lost.
It's time to stop rewarding incompetence and become competitive with the rest of the world.
I look forward to a new beginning in January, and the end of the King George era. Lord help us all.
You know, for $700,000,000,000 the government could make every single citizen a millionaire....and then some. Then none of us would have to worry about jobs and our old age.
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