I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ABC Wednesday - Q!

Got your dictionary out? You ready to play with the letters? It's that time again! ABC Wednesday is hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and the ABC team: Denise, Annelie, Leslie, Nathalie, Joyce, Donna, Helen, Roger, Troy, Jay, Barb, Gattina and me! 
So, do you have a Question? Of course you do! And the answer is today is the Q Day! Quickly now, no Quarreling  or trying to be Quaint! We're not in a Quagmire here! Just looking for Qualified  Qs! Enough to store in a Quonset hut or in case we fall short, to fill  a Quiver! And here are my Q words for the day!
Q is for Quiche, Quail, Quarter Horse, Quintet, an all time favorite group, Queen! Quilt and Quesadillas!! Yummmm!! Hungry yet?

Photos today are courtesy of Google -- they have a great supply of Qs!!


MaR said...

ExQuisite choices for the theme, but right now Quesadillas sound just perfect!!
Q is for...

Carver said...

Quite fantastic shots for Q. These are all wonderful choices. I thought of quail but couldn't find any photographs I'd taken. I love yours

Xavi said...

Wonderful photographs for Q, Sylvia!!
Have a nice day!!

Reader Wil said...

Your choice is as always very varied, and I think that you can go on for years!

Barbara said...

Great Q words, especially Queen! My husband keeps getting told he looks like Mr Mercury and he hates it :O))

cloudbusting2 said...

Queen with quiche is my choice from these.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Quite perfect for today's Q!

My ABC Wednesday

mrsnesbitt said...

Queen - come back Freddy!
Without QUESTION a fantastic collection Sylvia!


photowannabe said...

Quite a collection of Q words. I really like your collages each week.

Anonymous said...

Good selection —

ABC Wednesday Team

anthonynorth said...

Another good one, definitely crowned by Queen. A great band.

Cildemer said...

Fantastic post, Sylvia!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a marvellous ABC Wednesday****

jabblog said...

A delectable selection of Qs, to be sure :-)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Eclectic mix waiting to be strung together in a storyboard. Queen's "don't stop me now" comes to mind for your posts. So much work goes into them.

Roger Owen Green said...

quality post. Esp. QUEEN!

ROG, ABC Wednesday

Gigi Ann said...

Always a Quantity filled post of Quality Photos. Your right, now I am hungry, between the Quiche and the Quesadillas' how could you not be hungry.

Amy said...

Sylvia, That is a great photo of Queen and the rest of them are pretty cool as well. Thanks too for the collage tip!

batsick said...

cute use of qs!

EG CameraGirl said...

Quiche and quesadillas sound very good to me. I'm hungry. :)

Joy said...

Gosh that is a lot of Q words, and a harmonious collage. Music and food, perfect, but who can resist a galloping horse.

Tumblewords: said...

How beautiful - I'm really fond of the quesadilla and thinking it would make a perfect dinner.

lotusleaf said...

Quite quool!

magiceye said...

excellent alliteration!
and the collage beautiful as usual!!

Christine said...

Oh, Lotus Leaf took my comment! Oh, well. Very cool Q's Sylvia!

George said...

I'm very impressed with the number of Qs you came up with. Very good!

Mom vs. the boys said...

mmmm quesadillas!!! yummy! great collage of Q words

Hildred said...

Love the look of those Quesidillas, - I really considered that word, but then got lost in my Quest for recipes, - found so many I couldn't make a quick choice.

Wanda said...

Sylvia, you always make me smile with your ever changing variety of pictures for each of the Letters. You montage of Q's was great..including the Quesadillas, Yumm!

The Write Girl said...

I enjoyed your Q post...nicely written!

Ingrid said...

Wow you found a lot of Q's ! I had some difficulties !

Gayle said...

Those quesadillas with the fab toppings look delish. Great collection of "Q" choices!!

Linda Reeder said...

I love quiche! Yum!

Dr. Pratibha Singh said...

Love all Q pics in your collage.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

That is a very young version of Queen!! A great line up of q's as usual!And, I am very partial to the quail.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

quails are getting very popular with famous chefs. But I prefer the common chook, there is so much meat to eat.

BooksPlease said...

I love your Qs - especially Queen, my all time favourites too.

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour dear Sylvia!
Wow I got Queen, one my favorite music band!And about that "quiche", I would like to know how to make one quiche, it looks so complicate!I love it!Creative and delicious choices here today, with a lovely soundtrack for sure! :)

Elaine Yim said...

Wow, so many great ideas for Q and you have all the pictures to match too!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

U R the Queen of Q and Qollages.

Gordon said...

You have a way with words; even Q, one of the harder ones! A nice collage of pictures to illustrate them too.

Barb said...

Great 'Q's, Sylvia! Thanks for swinging by my blog. I had 'quilt' lined up for today and as I was contemplating the wording I was eating a Quesadilla!! Funny thing was I didn't even connect the 'Q' dots til just now when I saw your quesadilla pic, lol! I settled for quail as I may not be here at this home much longer and I can find a quilt anywhere.

Great blog! Will be revisiting.

Anonymous said...

I think your collages are getting better and better every week!

Francisca said...

Aaw, Sylvia, now you got me running to the kitchen! Great Q words! [I was so silly yesterday - I had prepared for another letter when I saw my mistake and being waaay beyond bed time I had to scramble to find a Q photo! Nothing to do but laugh at myself...]

Unknown said...

Great choice once again, Sylvia!

Beverley Baird said...

What a great mosaic for Q! Love all your choices - some really great photos for sure!
Have a great week!

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time