I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Big Move Has Begun!

The last preparations for the big move on Saturday begin tomorrow and there's much packing etc. to be done and not much time for blogging!  I'm sure all of your will be grateful when this move is finally over and I can finally talk/write/whine about something else!  I will probably not be posting much until I'm settled in, but whenever I have a free moment or two I'll be checking in with your blogs on ABC, Sky Watch, Weekend Reflections, Shadow Shot Sunday and Pet Pride!  These are a couple of photos (not mine) of the complex that I'm moving into. You'll get to see lots of better ones once I get unpacked!  I hope you all have a great week and I do look forward to things getting back to normal -- whatever that is in my life these days!!!


My name is Riet said...

Good luck with the moving Sylvia. I know it is hard because we did it last year. I love your new header. Have a good week.

arabesque said...

bonne chance! ^0^
moving can be fun and a bit tiresome, but i hope all's for the best.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine your excitement. It's always fun to decorate a new home and make it your own.

Unknown said...

That this great change, for good and productive ..
Greetings .-

Carver said...

Good luck with the move Sylvia. I like the sneak peak here of your new place.

Nessa said...

That looks so pretty. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I so hate moving. Have fun doing it and see ya on the other side :)

penny said...

Normal keeps changing the older I get. I hope all goes well with your move and your normal life settles in.

B well, B happy, Sylvia

Joyful said...

Yeah! I'm happy that you get to move in at last. You will be happier when settled. I know these are huge moves and I hope you will be very happy in your new home.

This is Belgium said...

hope you will be happy in your new place ! bonne chance !

Kay L. Davies said...

I agree with Thom. I hate moving, too. We decided we'd stay in this house (with frequent forays into the rest of the world) until it falls down around our ears. Then we'd be carried out in body bags. Then we got a dog. Now we don't want the house to fall down and hurt the dog.
Everything is constantly changing, especially my mind.
Good luck with the move, Sylvia. It looks like a nice place. At least you'll have a fountain if you can't see the ocean. Didn't you say you'd have a view of Mount Rainier? Hey, with a fountain and a mountain, you're all set.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Ms. Becky said...

why, your new digs look quite grand Sylvia - lots of possibility and good times I'm sure. I hope the big move goes smoothly and that soon you will be all settled in and enjoying your new home. great header too! be well.

Christine said...

Normal. Hmmm, I'm not sure I quite know what that is. ;)
Can't wait to see/read about your new place once you are in and settled. Happy moving! I wish for not one raindrop to fall on either your head or that of your household treasures. xoxo!

genie said...

I would LOVE to be moving into that high-rise....not to have to take care of this house and the property would be a dream come true. Once you are settled in, please share some pictures with all of us.

Tracy said...

I so wish you the best of luck in your move..while it is never easy to adjust to a new place, it's also an adventure!
Take good care while you do all the work and don't be a stranger!

Beverley Baird said...

How exciting! may you enjoy your new place and settle in quickly!

PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said...

Hope you have a safe and uneventful move. I think I would scream if I ever had to do it again.

Jack said...

I don't know how anyone moves. We have too much STUFF to move. I think I will wait and leave clearing it all out to the heirs.

George said...

I don't envy you having to move, but it looks as if you're going to a beautiful complex. I hope the move goes well.

magiceye said...

best wishes!!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Good luck on the move! I hope all goes without a hitch.

Sally in WA said...

It looks like a great place, Sylvia. And the new header is fabulous! Hope the packing is going well.

Kay said...

This is a nice looking building, Sylvia. I'm wondering what floor you'll be on. I hope you get a good view of the skies. Good luck on your move. I hope everything goes exactly as you planned.

Serline said...

Good luck with the move, and not to worry, we will be right here waiting when you are done unpacking and ready to share ;-)

Teamgsquare said...

all the best .

Anonymous said...

It looks lovely!

Keep your sanity during the move - looking forward to pix when you're settled.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Good luck on your move!

Ingrid said...

I wish you all the best for a move without problems and hope you will not be too tired after all this, moving is not an easy task !!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm so excited and happy for you. And thanks to you and your dear and talented friend for the virtual coffee and cake! I'm sharing a real morning cuppa' as I read and toasting you and the exciting days ahead!

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time