A couple of days ago we had some beautiful cumulus clouds that kept changing -- one minute they would be vertical and the next, horizontal. It was fascinating to watch the whole sky change in the space of a few minutes, not in colors, but in direction.
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Wow, it look likes somebody took a big handful of "powdered cloud" and blew on it! Incredible, dizzying!
What a very interesting sky, Sylvia. I love Deborah's description. It certainly captures it.
They're arranged beautifully on the page: I like the change of direction!
You have such skies, Sylvia, always so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them every week, and happy skywatching!
These clouds are so amazing! also so beautiful! I love to watch them change. Deborah has the words for it.
Sylvia; All you skies are beautiful...love the way that the clouds change !
I love how you captured the vastness of the sky!! these are so beautiful Sylvia!!!
Those are wonderful shots of the changing sky.
Wonderful, all, but my favorite has to be that third one!
Great shots once again Sylvia, perfect captures.
Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures
I was going in the opposite direction from Deborah. I was thinking it looked like someone had taken a sky-sized vacuum cleaner and was trying to clear the sky!
Either way, it's a very dramatic shot.
The clouds making it !
Great pictures.
Very nice photos for Skywatch Friday.
My Skywatch Post
Neat capture and good skywatch.
Great photos of those beutiful clouds !
Great series of sky photos
I love to watch those types of clouds. Very entertaining.
There's drama in those shots, Sylvia. a story about to happen...or so it appears. ;-)
Very nice changes.
Great series. :)
Great photos...there is something liberating and awe-inspiring about the sky, isn't there?
Aren't those just the coolest? I find myself walking around with my head in the clouds (literally) a lot. Wish I had seen yours in person.
Just lika a painting, beatiful shot!
And Mr:Anonymous said... was me :o) I try again...
Just lika a painting, beatiful shot!
Gorgeous series of shots!!
You're not over the hill, you're Sylvia, that's all.
THose are some great captures. Beautiful
Smiles B
The pictures are great. Streaks of clouds. Interesting how they changed direction like that. I am thinking that the weather looks a whole lot better now then it did Sylvia. Blue skies are to be seen. Here's to spring.
The clouds have such a sense of motion. They leave me feeling expectant.
I think we got some of those same clouds the other day...our sky was full of them, too. Great SWF pics!
That is just stunning, especially the third one.
Really special skywatch pictures of the sky and clouds. I like the way they change direction, must be quite a wind up there - Thanks for visiting my blog and become one of my followers - have a great weekend.
Wowza! It looks like a dyson vacuum is sucking the clouds out of the sky into ????? Atmosphere seems to be going in a different direction not UP but DOWN perhaps to earth. You sure have an eye for photography.
Wow, these are fantastic! We had some like this too but nothing this spectacular.
Beautiful streaks in your skies!
It looks as if the clouds are speeding away from you...well caught.
the pictures are 'wow'!!!
Amazing photos, Sylvia.
What wonderful stripy clouds!
Thanks for the laughs above.
Wow wonderful sky!
Very nice shots.
Pretty photos. They even made me dizzy. Now that was funny. I can just imagine what it was like to observe it person.
These are lovely Sylvia.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks too for popping by to see mine.
I love it when these lines of regulated clouds form, as you fascinating!
What amazing views! I never tire of the myriad of marvelous ways the skies change before our eyes. Thanks for sharing these ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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