I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Time to share our beautiful skies again! We would love to take a look at yours! Click here to sign up! This meme is delightfully hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Ivar, Wren, Fishing Guy and Louise. Many thanks to you all!

Our skies here in Seattle, Washington can be spectacular and sometimes they change so quickly you barely have time to point and click. That's what happend just a few days ago -- all of these shots today were taken in less than fifteen minutes.


The Retired One said...

I really like the last one, with the sun slicing through the pines!

underOvr (aka The U) said...

Good morning Sylvia,

I was visiting Bagman and Butler this morning and someone thoughtfully mentioned your name and quotes by Kahil....I just smiled and said to myself, "that's my Sylvia" (not in a ownership kind of way).

I just love those images of a sky with beautiful clouds...they convey such peace.

Thanks Sylvia


Susan at Stony River said...

Your skies have the prettiest colours and such light! I love checking in on your skies each week Sylvia, thanks!

Great Grandma Lin said...

lovely skies-shows what a little weather moving around will do...we have clear bright skies most everyday but I'm not complaining.

bobbie said...

That must have been a beautiful 15 minutes! Gorgeous skies!

thanks for supporting autism awareness.

Carolyn said...

Nice skies and beautiful colour. Thank you for sharing.

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful skies, Sylvia. An active, personable sky.

ViennaDaily said...

I like the last one too! But i guess each is worth a camera shot....story sequence...

Daryl said...

Purple and gold are 2 of my favorite sky colors .. well done!

Photo Cache said...

It seems like the photographer has to be on his toes the whole time, else he'll miss a good shot.

Thanks for sharing.

EG CameraGirl said...

Your skies are gorgeous! It's wonderful the way the sun has coloured the clouds.

Louise said...

I love those clouds! The color, light and drama is wonderful!

Mojo said...

Very dramatic buildup and a stunning climax!

Carver said...

I love the way the drama builds in this sequence. Almost like a scene from a movie. So beautiful.

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Clean and pretty colors! Beautiful photos!

Jim said...

Great colours. Great shots.

Sydney City and Suburbs

Jane Hards Photography said...

The clouds have an unsual hint of smokey hues that really draw the eye.

Quiet Paths said...

There is so much wonderful movement in these photos; it comes across on the screen. Thanks for sharing your sky.

Judy said...

I love coming over here to see your sky watch pictures. They are always so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

You have captured some wonderful skies as always. Well done.

Jeri ~ said...

Such beautiful photos!

Biju Mathews said...

Wow!! All in 15 mins?

ms426d said...

Moody & lovely. Good captures.

Libertine said...

I not only admired your sky during my visit. I also would like to thank you for putting the WAAD button on your sidebar today. As a mother of one of those beautiful children it is the most important for me to spread the word and make her life as enjoyable as possible. The more we know the less they suffer. Thank you agaain so much.

Ash said...

Lovely sunset images!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Sylvia: That is the time of night that is magic, thanks for sharing your sunset with SWF.

Annie said...

wow...amazing shots...I know what you mean..I watch the sky and see it change like that all the time when I am at home in Australia!

skywind said...

Oh, too great. Beauty of the sky, people relaxed and happy. :)
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Humor & Fun World

Anonymous said...

I love the last photo most but all the same they are magnificent shots. thanks for the visit.

Today's Blah...

BirdingMaine said...

The back glow of the clouds are amazing! Lovely photos.

My Skywatch Friday: Sunrise Over Plum Island

ms toast burner said...

Beats watching tv! Beautiful show, Sylvia!

Sally in WA said...

Great series of pictures. It is amazing how quickly our skies change out here.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Very delicate colors. Great series of pictures. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It kinda looks like that right now here in Bellingham Sylvia. The sun has crept in under the clouds just before sunset showing bushes in the process of leafing out surrounded by the black tapestry of the sky. I am looking forward to the sunny weather we are supposed to have this week then.

david mcmahon said...

Great shots, especially the first and last ones, Sylvia.

Lew said...

An explosion of color in your sky! The beauty just keeps expanding.

Linnea said...

Very dramatic skies...lucky you! Hope you will have lots of spring weather soon. I'm heading up to the tulip fields this weekend in Skagit Co....hopefully I'll see some in bloom and see some awesome skies like these...

Light and Voices said...

Wowza...agreed that last shot is my favorite. Nice Sky Watch post.

raf said...

Beautiful series, Sylvia, and amazing how quickly it changes.
When it comes to winning SWF photos, I don't think they get any better than the one you use as your masthead background.

magiceye said...

wow! excellent images all!!

hitch writer said...

Gosh ... they are so so pretty !

Arija said...

Isn't it wonderful how quickly the hand of God can create a succession of perfect works of art.
Just wonderful build up to the last shot.
Thank you my dear for all the lovely and thoughtful comment you leave me.

erin said...

beautiful shot...always enjoy stopping by and seeing what beautiful captures you have posted.

have a great weekend

foto CHIP Sweden said...

Beautiful pictures! A dramatic sky indeed :)
Thanks for visiting me!

Indrani said...

You always have lovely series of shots to present. So soothing to eyes.

2sweetnsaxy said...

These are wonderful! The coloring and the lighting is magnificent!

Unknown said...

Beautiful skies, Sylvia!

David Edward said...

wow, it is such a joy to look UP and see such wonders. I am always thankful for the amazing skies that we live under.

syel said...

amazing how the sky changes its colours in a matter of minutes! :D

Girl Tornado said...

Beautiful shots, and you are right, the sky changes soooo fast. When I see a striking sky, I RUN to get my camera, because I know it could be gone in the blink of an eye! ;)

Happily Retired Gal said...

Utterly BREATHTAKING series ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time