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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sky Watch Friday!

Sky Watch is hosted each week by Klaus, Sandy, Ivar, Wren, Fishing Guy and Louise and offers us a great opportunity to share our lovely skies with people all over the world! Click on the Sky Watch icon and sign up and join the fun!

These are some skies in Oregon -- they have beautiful skies there just as we do here in Washington and I thought I'd give you a little change scenery.

A golden sunrise!

Interesting cloud formations. Let your imagination give them a name!



SandyCarlson said...

Those clouds in the penultimate shot are like doves. These skies really are lovely, Sylvia.

Inday said...

A kaleidoscope of cloud collections you have over there Sylvia! The first look like a lake or a sea on a rough day up in the sky! They're all beautiful!

Dianne said...

formation clouds?
they do look as if they are following a flight plan

the colors of your skies are always so wonderful Sylvia

Anonymous said...

ahhh...angels ascending back to the heavenly skies.
beautiful shots.
have a fab weekend.

Regina said...

Gorgeous skies!
Great shots.

Have a great weekend Sylvia.

Kay said...

You have got the MOST amazing skies in Seattle and you do capture your best.

HightonRidley said...

Gorgeous colours in that second shot Sylvia - just lovely :)

Dagrun said...

You really have assembled THE perfect collection of skies. Just beautiful sky post!

Ebie said...

Beautiful colors on the second photo; one looks like birds flying, and Oregon skies are simply gorgeous!

My website

ninja said...

Those cloud formations are spectacular. I'll love it when nature plays unreal.

Dewdrop said...

Wow! What an amazing collection of shots! I love the 2nd with its pearlesque qualities... and the last with the sun pillar is breath-taking!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Oregon sky.
Luiz Ramos

cara said...

Gorgeous! Esepcially tose wisps of white like a flock of cottony gulls.

Nikki Dee said...

All of these are stunning! I agree the third one looks like Angels!

Please stop by My Skywatch

Tara R. said...

That sunset is glorious. Such fabulous colors. Lovely set for this week.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Sylvia: Very nice SWF with neat photos. I loved your "Squadron of Eagles" in formation.

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful, but I think I like "the white angels" best.

What nice skies you have out there in the west!

Gaelyn said...

All very amazing skies. The third one looks like Angels in a hurry. And the last like the sky is on fire following them.

Petunia said...

Amazing clouds and clours on the sky! Love this post!
Petunia from Norway

Ana said...

Like painting!Bravo!

Mark Kreider said...

Beautiful and unusual clouds. The red is really astonishing!

James said...

Wonderful pictures. My imagination has spoken an named the cloud picture. "A flock of Angels"

Mike's Travels said...

Beautifully coloured shots!

prettyfirefly said...

Great shots! Love the brightly colored clouds! Happy SWF!
hope you could visit my entry at http://prettyfirefly.com

Danton said...

Can I ask for more when you have captured the essence of beauty in the sky?

Carver said...

Each and every one of these shots knock me over with their incredible beauty.

Pearl Maple said...

Pretty and colourful skies to celebrate sky watch friday, thanks for sharing the views from your place.

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are like Turner skies, a multi coloured smarties sweeties sky.

Carletta said...

Beautiful and then some!
I'm with James on the 'flock of angles' - angles were my first thought!

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

wispy willow said...

Holy cow, girl...Why aren't these on the cover of Sunset Magazine?
The photo's are beautiful..but no more so than the thoughts attached to them. Thank you, thank you!! This was a pause in my day that certainly refreshed!!!

Unknown said...

wow!!! What a beautiful sunrise ... and sunset ...and the day inbetween !! :-)

That sunrise is my fvourite though...

Excellent captures..

ItaJeff said...

Absolutely wonderful
Love your blog.
Happy skywatching

Photo Cache said...

On the third picture, the clouds look like angels flying.

Guy D said...

Only one word can describe those pics.....outstanding.

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures

Gennasus said...

They're all fantastic but I really like those cute little white clouds, so unusual.

Vicki ~ FL said...

The last one looks like fire! The third one looks like a formation of birds flying.

LV said...

These are absoultly breathtaking photos. No doubt you have an excellent camera.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

We recently moved and one of the things I love about this new backyard is the view it affords of the ever-changing sky. What lovely photos. Glad I dropped by.

EG CameraGirl said...

Very beautiful. Sylvia!

Sally in WA said...

Stunning, Sylvia, especially that sunset. It is so vibrant!

Bradley Hsi said...

That are some sky, just way too impressive.

Anonymous said...

They are all great shots Sylvia, love that orangey clouds.

Quiet Paths said...

Ah yes, as soon as we get home then you all get great weather. These are all so lovely.

Deborah Godin said...

Yes, like Sandy says, dove sloouds! All of these are just stunning!!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Great skywatch shots. Wonderful captures. The colors are amazing.

Tammie Lee said...

Each photo is gorgeous and full of beauty!

MonikaRose said...

wow, love the first and last shots, fabulous sunrise sunset..thank you for sharing..love watching the sky..you never know what we will see next..have a fab day..cya MonikaRose

Anonymous said...

Spectacular shots, Sylvia.

Susan at Stony River said...

What amazing colours! I've never seen mare's tails for real--you're lucky to live under such beautiful skies Sylvia!

B SQUARED said...

A nice sky wherever you are.

Woody said...

Great shots Sylvia! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to see you again.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your photos are fantastic. Love the color!Beautiful sky photos. Thanks for visiting my blog.

indicaspecies said...

Wow, these are beautiful skies!

Jim Klenke said...

Nice SWF shots. I like the clouds that look like they are in formation.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Beautiful skies indeed!

TV Tower on Sinhagad - Going Inside Clouds

Ingrid said...

Indeed beautiful skies especially the first two !

kbguy said...

Beautiful series of sky watch.

Arija said...

Absolutely wonderful skies! the third looks like a skein of snow gees and the last a terrible forest fire with a rainbow, rather a contradiction. Sorry, I'm still giggling about those T-shirts!

magiceye said...

gorgeously stunning!!!

FO - 2 said...

Wonderful series! :)
Love number 3.

Happy weekend! :)

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wow! Simply amazing pictures!!

Larry D said...

Wow, incredible photos!

penny said...

You always capture the most amazing sky shots, Sylvia. I love the vivid colors of the clouds.

nonizamboni said...

Beautiful sky views. I can always tell a Pacific Northwest horizon line with those tall, pointy pines. And those clouds! Nicely done.

jabblog said...

What beautiful skies - all so different with so many tones and tints - it's impossible to choose a favourite.


An amazing collection of wonderful skies.


Viola said...

Very beautiful photos! Nice colours! I love the last two of them. The white special clouds look like flying swans.... :)Wonderful! :)

Anonymous said...

Marvelous sky views ... methinks the second is my favorite but they're all wonderful. I took sunrise shots this morning and have been snapping photos of the changing skies as I sat on my patio writing until a few minutes ago. Perhaps I'll share later at Sacred Ruminations ;--)
Thanks for visiting me at HRG.
Hugs and blessings,

Barb said...

Oh my goodness - what beautiful captures of unusual colors and cloud formations! Very nice, Sylvia!

Hildred said...

Gorgeous skies in Oregan, - all of them beautiful shots.

Baruch said...

Great SWF photos

kRiZcPEc said...

73 persons had said what I wanted to say before me...have a great weekend

Buck said...

Wow, stunning! The penultimate photo looks like a 'Missing Man' formation to me.

Anonymous said...

really its looking nice. the color of the sky is very attracting. great shot.


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What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time