After writing my post on the war in Afghanistan, I was determined to put my grumblings to rest --- again! But when you have a big mouth that isn’t always easy and, as many of you know, I do have one of those. Well, I can always blame Bob Herbert, Op-Ed columnist for the New York Times, for lighting my fire – again, but I do feel that our country is SICK and he says it all so clearly.
In his column today he says that maybe the economic stress has been too much. And considering the last few months, I tend to agree that it would seem to be suffering from a nervous breakdown.
The political debate has been poisoned by birthers, deathers and wackos who smile proudly while carrying signs comparing the president to the Nazis. People who don’t even know that Medicare is a government program have been trying to instruct us on the best ways to reform health care.
There doesn’t seem to be any end to the craziness. The entire Republican Party has decided that is is in favor of absolutely nothing! Stimulus package, health care reform? No way! Forget about both of them! So far there has been absolutely nothing that the Republican party is in favor of and, incredibly, the party’s poll numbers are going up!
Yes, we obviously need therapy. President Obama addressed the public school students today, urging them to work harder and stay in school. According to Herbert, the folks who bray at the moon are outraged. The President has been likened to Chairman Mao and even Hitler. And a fair number of these nut cases have bought into the imbecilic notion that this is an effort at socialist or Communist indoctrination. And, as could be expected, one father from Texas was quoted as saying that he didn’t want our schools turned over to some socialist movement. Are these people nuts? Do they have any idea what they are talking about?
The wackiness is increasing, not diminishing, and it has a great potential for destruction. There is a real need for people who know better to speak out in a concerted effort to curb the appeal of the apostles of the absurd!
In reality the biggest issue confronting ordinary Americans right now – the biggest by far – is the devastatingly weak employment environment. Politicians talk about it, but any aggressive job-creation efforts are not part of the policy mix. But nearly 15 million Americans are unemployed, according to official statistics. The real numbers are far worse. And the unemployment rate for black Americans is a back-breaking 15.1 percent. Five million people have been unemployed for more than six months, and the consensus is that even when the recession ends, the employment landscape will remain dismal. A full recovery in employment will take years.
Joblessness is becoming the norm and there is a real question as to whether the U.S. economy is capable of providing sufficient employment for all who want and need work.
We’re also having serious trouble facing the hard truths about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the terrible toll they are taking on our young fighting men and women. Most of us don’t want to know. It’s head in the sand time all over again. In addition, we’ve put the costs of these wars on a credit card, without so much as a second thought about what that does to our long-term budget deficits.
The serious wackos, the obsessive-compulsive absurdists, may be beyond therapy. But the rest of us could use some serious adult counseling. We’ve forgotten many of the fundamentals, such as: how to live within our means, the benefits of shared sacrifice, the responsibilities that go with citizenship, the importance of a well-rounded education and tolerance.
But, as Herbert writes, the first step is to recognize that we have a problem.
I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!
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What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.
Yes the first step is to see there is a problem.
If you send me your adress I send the neckless to you!,
Amen, Sylvia.
I agree with you Sylvia. It drives me nuts when I have friends that don't agree with anything the President does or says. It is the craziest thing I have ever seen in my lifetime. People here were keeping their kids out of school so they would not listen to the President. I would have been thrilled had the President wanted to speak to my children when they were in school. It is so frustrating!
Say it, Sylvia! It's so amazing, in a sad way. My niece sends mass e-mails calling the President a socialist who must be stopped -- while she receives Medicaid, WIC, and veteran's benefits. Uh, huh?
Well, it's almost been a year already, and I hope things will settle down and that people can start coming together more. I was heartened to hear that Laura Bush had spoken up in support of the school speeches---THAT was classy and wise. We need more of that cross-party support and co-operation, and more people brave enough to speak up for unity and common sense. Says me LOL.
I'm so mad I could spit. The truth of the matter is this, the unemployment rate is way, way higher than the powers that be care to admit. All you have to do is look around. Stores closing left and right. So many friends and family out of work, or reduced to working part time, (employers love part time/less benefits). I know so many people that have lost fortunes. Houses, jobs, businesses, etc... When will this misery end? At least, as you pointed out, we can wake up and GET REAL. Something's got to give.
We do have a serious problem. A largely uneducated and unthinking population is not good for a democracy.
I read Bob Hebert's column and he makes good sense to me.
Oh please, don't ever stop "mouthing off" about things!!! You are so clear and cogent, and a great voice in the blogging community! I think the vast majority of those screamers are simply afraid, their's is a fear-based mentality, and they are terrified of everything. So they are striking out at anyt way they can, and it doesn't have to make sense, it's just a kind of fright reflex. I think we could all extend more compassion (without giving in!) to them, because they are so obviously in need of a deeper soul comfort.
Sylvia you basically said what I have been thinking. Good for you. In particular I like the phrase "the apostles of the absurd"
Hallelujah, girl! Finally someone speaks sense. I've seen blogs by some of those ...(I hate to call them crazies, but if the shoe fits...). It's very sad that they jump on everything the President says regardless of what it is. Give him a break, people! He's doing a great job. And, those of us who believe in him and his policies should be speaking up in support.
So well said!!!!!!
Keep speaking up, Sylvia! I often listen to a local news talk show in the mornings, and while the host tries to remain neutral and encourage a lively exchange of ideas, the number of ultra-conservatives who call in and refer to President Obama as a socialist is enough to make me turn off the radio. What happened to that spirit of working together that seemed to pervade the nation after the election?
The divisiveness in America is alarming. It seems as if the country is speeding towards a dysfunctional collapse.
Well said!
I thought when Obama was elected that America had finally come to its senses. In the last few months I have been dismayed at the negativity.
Maybe tonights wonderful speach will bring people back to their senses.
Less money = more wackiness. It´s all over the place.
I just wonder why all those people are unemployed all over the world. There is so many things they could do and many places are understaffed and there is an urgent need for more hands. It´s just that the system has become too stiff and difficult. I feel it´s a total lunacy to keep able people lying in their homes doing nothing.
This summer has been a strange one - on the one hand I loved spending time with the kids, and on the other could not wrap my mind around all the surreal stuff in the news. Last night's shenanigans in Congress took the cake. I was expecting some sort of booing, but not that. Look for the media to go totally overboard again and completely ignore what's important.
The first step seems to always be the same no matter what the problem. Then the problem is that it must be recognized. Denial in it's purest form.
It is really comforting to read these words. I like to be reminded that there ARE sane, thoughtful, intelligent people living in the U.S. -- and not just hate-filled crazies.
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