God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author Unknown
No one remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself. ~Thomas Mann
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. ~Nelson Mandela
If you've lost your enthusiasm, there's no better place to find it than on a skipping excursion. And, you might just find your lost youth as well! ~Jessi Lane Adams
Skipping is oxygen for the soul. ~Jessi Lane Adams
So many wonderful photos....
Have a blessed Sunday, Sylvia.
Your rose is beautiful - and I base my whole ~Sunday Serenity~ on that quote. Just lovely!
I am nothing...
I am what I put my attention upon...
I am the experience...
I am everything...
I am
It is nice to stop by and visit your page and photos. Have a happy week!
No one remains quite what he was when he losts himself.
I bet that is exacxtly what the panda is thinking!
lovely pictures; that white rose is perfect. And I might try skipping (if it ever stops raining). Sort of seems like the kind of thing you need a small grandchild for, but on reflection I wonder why?
Beautiful shots Sylvia, and I love your new header pic as well.
All the best
Regina In Pictures
I especially love the picture with the chair.
I so wish that I could skip, sounds like I could find a lot of my missed childhood.
Great quotes and the pictures were beautiful! Can't wait to see roses again!
PS I bought a Christmas cactus this last Chritsmas. Got it so the cats can't eat it and I am waiting for it to bloom next Christmas. LOved you're so. I think I better feedit too!
I enjoy reading your found words of wisdom!
The Serenity Prayer alteration is great! Thanks for the visit.
I love this version of the first one, its so true... they are all delightful as always, Sylvia
Peaceful evening to you and yours
Lovely pictures Slyvia, as always. Thanks for sharing the quotes. Am putting it in a file folder.
Have a great start of the week.
Sylvia, I always enjoy so much your interesting series "Evening, Wisdom and Beauty". Great pictures and nice quotes!
Lovely! Awesome place and beautiful shots!
Pixellicious Photos
I haven't been skipping for yeeeears, but I loved those photos!
And I'm so so sad to see the news about Molly in your sidebar. What a destiny, to be the one who's there to hold the hands of special little kids through the doors to heaven.
THe white rose is very beautiful. THe chair next to the lavendar - what a grat spot...
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