I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The World of Travel Today!

Oh! And one more thing!


Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Roger Owen Green said...

Him, Sylvia -

I think you'd have more comments from ABC Wednesday except that your URL is seriously whacked out.

Very funny stuff. Unfortunately very true. I HATE flying, and I'm not afraid of being in the air.

I'm now part of the ABC Wednesday Team; thank you for participating!

Tes said...

Oh wow, Sylvia, this post cracked me up! Thank you for the laughter! :)

Anonymous said...

Very funny! For a while I think I'll travel over the Internet rather than by plane. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh, Sylvia. Very funny and I guess we have to laugh and adapt.

SandyCarlson said...

You made me laugh. Thanks so much.

Sunny said...

Too funny! Thanks for making me laugh.
Sunny :)

Kay said...

Aaackkkk! We've got a bit of flying to do this year and I am NOT looking forward to the long waits at security. I do think it's necessary but I'm a little leery of those scans. I've seen some pictures of it that had me aghast at what the security people will be able to see.

Roshni said...

would have been funny except it could be true!

Roshni said...

would have been funny except it could be true!

June Saville said...

Things might look difficult right now but my goodness all we need to do to feel better is compare it with the approach pre 2008! I don't think there seemed to be any sort of light at the end of the tunnel then - turned on or not.
June in Oz

Annie Jeffries said...

the last cartoon (the visual one) is priceless.

bobbie said...

I knew there had to be an upside to not being able to travel any longer.

Funny, funny stuff!

chrome3d said...

In winter time the light is in short supply anyway. I would like to travel with a plane some day. Just to see naked people...

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! Have you ever performed at the comedy club? If not you need to LOL

jabblog said...

They all made me giggle but the last cartoon made me snort with laughter! I think the light at the end of the tunnel went out a long time ago ;-)

Sujatha Bagal said...

Sylvia! That was hilarious! And totally in line with my thougts these days. :)

Peter Molz said...

The best thing for me here is the "Important Notice""! Lol!

Susan at Stony River said...

It's too true isn't it! And yes, sadly, I've already noticed the Light has been switched off.

(Thanks for the laughs!)

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time