A useless life is an early death.
What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful.
HH the Dalai Lama
The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it.
Marcus Aurelius
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Marie Curie
Study as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
Maria Mitchell
I love Maria Mitchell's quote. Your photos are just glorious, Sylvia.
I love the fields of blue, and the streaky clouds!
The quotes are nice, too, though the one from Marie Curie is rather poignant, considering what happened to her.
isn't landscape peaceful, like your quotes
I read another great one from Goethe yesterday "People only hear what they understand" and I am finding it to be so true at work lately :)
What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful (to at least one other person)!
Love that quote by the Dalai Lama!
I love your photos and thank you for stopping by my blog.
Love your photos and quotes.
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