When nobody around you seems to measure up, it's time to check your yardstick.
Bill Lemley
This was sent to me by my friend at iyer-n-higher . He has a wonderful blog and worth taking a look at. And I thought this was worth sharing here this evening.
What a great world it would be if the mind became hungry and growled like the stomach did.
If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.
Frances de Sales

inhaling deeply... exhaling slowly...
This felt just like "Atlas Shrugged" and the world fell off my shoulders.
After a loooong, stressful, day... this was the perfect post to read.
Thanks, Sylvia.
Beautiful pictures and much need words of wisdom and inspiration.
I love your blog!
This was a lovely place to visit this evening. Thank you for the gorgeous moment.
Beautiful words and images! Especially the last one with the flowers in the foreground and mist in the background.
Oh, I like the one about the mind growling like the stomach does. Mine actually does. I can feel it when I need intellectual stimulation. I feel growly. It was the hardest part about being retired, that loss of mental challenge. That's why I do things like reading the editorial page, watch cable political programs, and blog.
I love the Sales quote; self fulfilling prophesies. And the Singer quote about strength and gentleness is so true.
I am with Lew - I love the contrast of the bright flowes in the foreground with the mist hovering over the trees.
As always, Sylvia: your photos and quotes are both very encouraging to start the day with! Thanks! Have a wonderful SWF!
Just keep saying that something bad is going to happen and then you might be right. That is so true!
Hi Sylvia, your photos are beautiful, the last one would look stunning in a frame and hung on the wall.
Your blog is wonderful and your heart is in the right place!
Oooh...the blue and red flowers on the foggy morning!!! My eyes are salivating.
wonderful peaceful photos. great quotes-food for the mind...
Your evening words and images are wonderful in the morning too ... each more lovely that the one before.
Hugs and blessings,
Lovely skies as always ... thank you.
Hugs and blessings,
What a beautiful carpet of tiny white blossoms!
These are gorgeous. Thank you so much.
Wow, Sylvia! Your photos are magnificent! T%hanks for the compliment about my header!
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