We all like to believe that we learn something from the past, but I’m not sure that we as a country have learned from ours – particularly the tragic lessons we could and should have learned from Vietnam. Bob Herbert’s Op-Ed column in the NYT yesterday pointed out some those lessons as he wrote about the death of Robert McNamara. McNamara, who was Lyndon Johnson’s icy-veined, cold and rigidly intellectual point man for a war that sent thousands upon thousands of people (most of them young) to their utterly pointless deaths, has died at the ripe old age of 93.
Long after the horror of Vietnam was over, McNamara did concede, in remarks that were like rubbing salt in the still festering wounds of the loved ones of those thousands who had died, that he had been “wrong, terribly wrong” about the war. Herbert says that he felt nothing but contempt for McNamara’s confession. I can understand why.
Herbert was drafted in the mid-1960s as the build up for the war got into full swing. He speaks of having expectations of the recruits being a tough bunch, who would somehow all look like John Wayne, only to find on the first day of basic training at Fort Dix, N.J. that he was a part of a motley gathering of mostly scared and skinny kids who looked like the guys he had gone to high school with. And that was who was shipped off to Vietnam in droves. Youngsters 18, 19, 20 and 21. Many would die there and many others would come back scarred forever. I know that it is all still very vivid in my mind because my husband was one of the first to go. Fortunately, he was an officer and in the Air Force, so although his tour of duty was surely no walk in the park, it was better than being among the droves of kids in the army.
Johnson and Mcnamara should have been looking out for those kids, who knew nothing about geopolitics, or why they were being turned into trained killers who, we were told, cold cold-bloodedly smoke the enemy – “Good shot!” and then kick back and smoke a Marlboro. Many of those kids would end up weeping on the battlefield, crying for their moms with their dying breaths. Or trembling uncontrollably as they watch buddies, covered in filth, bleed to death before their eyes, or sometimes, in their arms.
Herbert writes that he was lucky – he was sent to Korea, which according to him was no walk in the park, but it wasn’t Vietnam. But no one could really escape the horror of Vietnam. Herbert got letters from home that were heartbreaking as he learned of friend after friend who had been killed there.
He asked the same question that many of us asked at that time and that many more are asking today – why? And for what?
McNamara didn’t know. Herbert writes that his sister’s boyfriend got shot. And a very close friend of his came back from Vietnam so messed up psychologically that he killed his wife and himself.
I totally agree with Herbert who writes that the hardest lesson for people in power to accept is that wars are unrelentingly hideous enterprises, that they butcher people without mercy and therefore should be undertaken only when absolutely necessary.
Kids who are sent off to war are forced to grow up too fast. They soon learn what real toughness is, and it has nothing to do with lousy bureaucrats and armchair warriors sacrificing the lives of the young for political considerations and hollow, flag-waving, risk-free expressions of patriotic fervor. Amen to that!!
As it turned out, McNamara had realized early on that Vietnam was a lost cause, but he kept that crucial information close to his chest, like a gambler trying to bluff his way through a bad hand, as America continued to send tens of thousands to their doom. How in God’s name was he even able to look at himself in the mirror, Herbert asks. And found myself asking the same question – not only about Vietnam, but about our current debacle in Iraq.
So, lessons learned from Vietnam? Apparently none.
McNamara, relying on intelligence reports, told Johnson that evidence of the attack on American warships by North Vietnamese patrol boats was ironclad, but in actuality the attack never happened. Does that remind any of you of the “slam dunk” evidence of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction?
How many more young men and women have to die? More than 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam and some 2 to 3 million Vietnamese. More than 4,000 Americans have died in Iraq and no one knows how many hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. There have recently been seven more Americans G.I.’s killed in Afghanistan – a war that made sense in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, but are all but senseless now.
I agree with Herbert who says that, none of these wars had clearly articulated goals or endgames. None were pursued with the kind of intensity and sense of common purpose and shared sacrifice that marked World War II. Wars are now mostly background noise, distant events overshadowed by celebrity deaths and the antics of Sarah Palin, Mark Sanford, and the like.
When will we and the politicians realize that the obscenity of war seems to be lost in our world today? That is a truly sad legacy to leave to our children.
I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!
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What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.
My brother was drafted in 1966, by some strange twist of fate he ended up a baker in the Army, in Germany instead of Viet Nam. I am 8 yrs younger than him, and I've always been grateful that he was spared, when others we knew were not and came home in body bags.
And Sylvia, we didn't learn our lesson when we went marching into Iraq! :(
as I write about WWII, I truly feel sad that we will never learn
The current toll of U.S. dead is 4321 in Iraq and 726 in Afghanistan. Obviously an untold number of others as well. No. We do not learn. And they may be the lucky ones, judging from the way some come home.
That was a very powerful post, and I have to agree how futile war is. It makes me crazy. And if the service men and women do make it home, they are dealing [or not] with a lot of troubling memories and/or physical handicaps. It is so depressing.
Remember, it took the devastation of WWI and WWII to make Europeans see war as wasteful, destructive, and the worst way to resolve differences between nations. In the lead up to the Iraq War, Bush called the countries of France, Germany, and Russia as "Old Europe" for not going along with his coalition. "New Europe" were the ones he was able to bribe with promises of aid, arms and whatever else.
Until Americans stand up and refuse to go to war or give presidential approval ratings of 90% and silencing those who disagree, we'll never be a peaceful society. Too many people see peace as a weakness.
The irony is that the most hesitant to go to war was Colin Powell, who fought in a war zone. The rest...from Rush to Cheney and others all got out of serving. Yet such facts still couldn't stop the gung ho from calling liberals "weak" and "French."
"Old Europe" wants no more war because it was faught on their homeland. I would hate to think that the only way we, the US, can learn is to have to fight here in the homeland.
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