I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How Interesting Life Is!

I began blogging, as most of you know, because I was at a real low place in my life and as a result I have found a truly high place in my life! I have connected with people that I would never have had a chance to know; people that have filled my life with so much joy, pleasure – whatever you choose to call it. I have found people all over the world, young and my age and everywhere in between and you have brought to me such amazing and incredible joy! I guess this post is about thanking each of you for all you have given me and shared with me. I cannot even begin to tell you what you have come to mean to me, but I am grateful. Grateful for the beauty of your photos, your own world, which I have been so delighted to discover is “all over the world”! And that is exciting and rewarding.

Thank you all, for reminding me of the joy, the love, the mind boggling experience of being able to share “my/your world” over the past seven months! Life is good – but sometimes we need to be reminded, you have and I am.


bobbie said...

Sylvia, we are as happy to have you as a friend and fellow blogger as you are to have us. Your posts are something I look forward to every day and you never disappoint me. So, thank you!

Margie's Musings said...

I feel the same way, Sylvia. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and sharing your thoughts. The internet is amazing, isn't it?

Peggy said...


How appropriate your post was today as it is everyday. A new beginning for our country, prayers and giving thanks is the order of the day.
It has been my honor to have you as a friend. Thank you for welcoming me and making a stressful part of my life seem winable!

Kate said...

As the others have said 'ditto'! You, as we all do, share a doorway into our lives. There's nothing like visiting new places and people and checking out what 'they think' and how they live too - It just shows too that 'nice folk are nice folk the world over'.

Hugs from actoss the pond-Kate x.

Susan at Stony River said...

Sylvia, I'm sorry you were ever in a low place, but I'm so glad it brought you to blogging! I always look forward to the laughs and insights I find on your pages: keep going in 2009, congratulations on your new President today (woo!) and give my hugs to Sam!

wispy willow said...

Well... whatever it was that brought you to the place where you felt the need to reach out to someone, anyone, everyone... it turned out to be one of those hardships that brought a blessing to you, and made a blessing of you. You have been a gift to so many of us.

I hope your days just keep getting sunnier.

(I lost you somehow... I don't know how to get you back on my list... so I have to run around and find you where ever I can and jump into your blog site.)

Dianne said...

I am so glad to know you Sylvia. Your posts always give me something to think about or smile over - often both.

Keep on keepin' on!

Linda Reeder said...

Today is truly a day for being grateful!
I am certainly glad I found you in my blogging world. Your ideas stimulate my thinking, while your eye on Seattle compilments my own.
Thank you, friend.

Lilly said...

Well Sylvia the feeling is mutual. I look forward to your posts and wonder what you you will have on your blog each day. You are a breath of fresh air I have to say. You make me think, smile, and go ahhh when I see your beautiful photos. I am glad that blogging has helped get you back to a place that you are able to fnd joy again. Same thing happened for me. You have a certain something I cannot put my finger on but whatever it is it makes us all keep coming back here - so keep on blogging!!

Anonymous said...

It's good to give thanks for our blessing once in a while. Practice gratitude. I believe in doing that. So happy to have bumped into you in the blog world and enjoy your blog and to have you visit mine.

We might sit alone at our computers, but we bloggers know we are not alone and not lonely! There are wonderful folks out there who add value to our lives as we do theirs. It's a special community.

robin andrea said...

It's the best part of blogging, giving us glimpses into the rich and varied lives of people all around the world. We are everywhere.

Joy said...

I know what you mean and feel the same way. I look forward to your writing and your photographs on your blog. I'm glad we managed to find each other out here in cyberspace. :-)

Shimmerrings said...

Blogging is a wonderful thing, it connects hearts that, otherwise, would never have connected... I think cyberland is a wonderful extension of our lives... and thanks for dropping into my world...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, blogging has many virtues. It allows one to empty one's mind into the net, and also has so much more to fill it back up with.

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time