I miss you Sam!!

I miss you Sam!!
I miss you Sam!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Too Many Stories Like This One

The battle over birth control has been going on for years and probably will continue for years more – if the moral majority and Catholics have their way. Stories like the one below are so common these days that many people don’t really pay that much attention any more. This was reported this morning on a Seattle TV Station. I couldn’t bring myself to include the entire story here because it is one of the most horrific ones I’ve read in a long time, but I had to try, once again, to bring attention to this outrage. And, by the way, the mother just had another baby eleven days ago! Oh, by all means, bring more children into the world to be treated like this!

“A two-year-old girl lies in a coma after she was reportedly beaten while her mother’s boyfriend tried to train her to go to the bathroom on command.

Witnesses say Idriss Turner treated the girl like a dog and beat her “like a slave,” and that he and the mother abandoned the baby as she lay comatose.”

Joy Brannon says she saw the girl beaten 30 times over 10 weeks.

“Slave beatings. Held by the arms off the ground and just whipped, whipped, whipped,” said Brannon.

Brannon, by the way, was in a three way relationship with the mother and the boyfriend and was afraid to report it before the child was dropped off at the hospital. They were arrested finally as they tried to board a plane.

I know that my ranting on this blog is not going to change anything, but how can you read something like this and not speak out? What does it take? Granted, people who do things like this probably could care less about birth control and what does that say about our world today?

Guess my mood this morning is as dark as the clouds that hide the sun here in Seattle.


Peggy said...


I love your blog...it's soooo beautiful!

Sylvia K said...

Dianne, don't even get me started on gun control! I just get so discouraged when it seems that there are so many of those empty headed, "I need my gun to be a man" idiots out there!!!

Kay Dennison said...

As a Catholic, I respectfully beg your pardon. Catholics are responsible because this child died? I refuse to take that responsibility. I consider birth control an individual responsibility and choice which is what I thought the "choice" movement was supposed to be about. That poor child's death was not caused by lack of birth control. It was caused by irresponsible, evil people and a child protection system that failed. Don't blame me or my church.

Sylvia K said...

Kay, I do understand, and, no, Catholics themselves are not responsible for this child's death, as you said, irresponsible and evil people are -- definitely. But for many birth control isn't a question of individual choice because of their religious beliefs. There will always be these arguments and questions. In my early twenties I had entered a convent, so I'm well aware of Catholic beliefs and I came to seriously question some of them. That doesn't mean that I don't respect your right to believe. I do wonder, without directing blame,
where all the anger, the hypocrisy come from and why the huge increase in child molesters, random killings, rape and incest in our country that is supposed to have such high moral values?

Rain Trueax said...

Terrible story and our newspapers and television are full of them from all around the country. Cruelty seems rampant. Children before school age are most vulnerable as who knows what is going on but the perpetrators. We are torn between thinking what can we do about it to we have to do something.

Anonymous said...

I pray for children. I need to pray harder and more often and encourage others to do the same. Stories like this are so sad.

K. said...

Sadly, we can't prevent sociopaths from having children. Bruce Springsteen wrote about there being a "meanness in this world"; it's hard to think of a more hard-hitting example than this.

Arija said...

I have always thought that serial rapists and 'boyfriends' who beat children in that brytal waymshould get the royal order of the tongs. We put little rings on
defenceless ram lambs, that kind of animal is much more in need of castration rather than birth contril.

Rinkly Rimes said...

Cruelty such as you describe exists in Australia, too. I'm pro-abortion, but do you think people like this would ever bother?

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?
I'm interested in almost everything. Use to like to travel, but it's too expensive now. I take Tai Chi classes, swim, volunteer in a Jump-start program for pre-schoolers. I'm an avid reader and like nearly everyone these days I follow politics avidly. I'm a former teacher and Special Projects Coordinator for a Telecommunications company, Assistant to the President of a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturing company. Am now enjoying retirement -- most of the time. I have two daughters, one son-in-law and two sons scattered all over the country. No grandchildren.

Portland Time